Integrating Energy Efficiency Considerations Into Your Design From The Beginning

Data center networking is responsible for consuming about 1% of the global electricity supply. With the advent and integration of AI into various sectors, the pressure on both hardware and software infrastructures, necessitated by neural networks and extensive language models, is expected to increase significantly. The burgeoning energy consumption by hyperscale data centers emerges as an ur... » read more

Cooling The Data Center

Since British mathematician and entrepreneur Clive Humby coined the rallying cry, “Data is the new oil,” some 20 years ago, it has been an upbeat phrase at data science conferences. But in engineering circles, that increasingly includes a daily grind of hardware challenges, and chief among them is how to cool the places where all that data is processed and stored. An estimated 65 zettaby... » read more

Hunting For Hardware-Related Errors In Data Centers

The semiconductor industry is urgently pursuing design, monitoring, and testing strategies to help identify and eliminate hardware defects that can cause catastrophic errors. Corrupt execution errors, also known as silent data errors, cannot be fully isolated at test — even with system-level testing — because they occur only under specific conditions. To sort out the environmental condit... » read more

How The Electronics Industry Can Shape A More Sustainable, Energy-Efficient World

By Piyush Sancheti and Godwin Maben We’re already experiencing the effects of our world’s changing climate—devastating wildfires, prolonged droughts, torrential flooding, just to name a few examples. Global energy consumption is increasing, raising carbon dioxide levels and triggering extreme weather conditions. Two key forces driving these trends are the shift to hyperscale datacenter... » read more

Finding the Scope of CXL-Enabled Tiered Memory System in Production

This new technical paper titled "TPP: Transparent Page Placement for CXL-Enabled Tiered Memory" is presented by researchers at University of Michigan and Meta Inc. Abstract (partial) "We propose a novel OS-level application-transparent page placement mechanism (TPP) for efficient memory management. TPP employs a lightweight mechanism to identify and place hot and cold pages to appropriate... » read more

GDDR6 Memory On The Leading Edge

With the accelerating growth in data traffic, it is unsurprising that the number of hyperscale data centers keeps rocketing skyward. According to analysts at the Synergy Research Group, in nine months (Q2’20 to Q1’21), 84 new hyperscale data centers came online bringing the total worldwide to 625. Hyperscaler capex set a record $150B over the last four quarters eclipsing the $121B spent in ... » read more

Data Center Evolution: Accelerating Computing With PCI Express 5.0

The PCI Express (PCIe) interface is the critical backbone that moves data at high bandwidth between various compute nodes such as CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and workload-specific accelerators. The rise of cloud-based computing and hyperscale data centers, along with high-bandwidth applications like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), have pushed PCIe 4 to its limits. In this white p... » read more

Data Center Evolution: DDR5 DIMMs Advance Server Performance

Driven by a confluence of megatrends, global data traffic is increasing at an exponential rate. For example, 5G networks are enabling billions of AI-powered IoT devices untethered from wired networks. Nowhere is the impact of all this growth being felt more intensely than in data centers. Indeed, hyperscale data centers have become the critical hubs of the global data network. DDR5 DRAM will en... » read more

System Design For Next-Generation Hyperscale Data Centers

As we are in the process of hyperscaling the large volumes of data that our devices and sensors create, processing this data along the way at far and near edges, and transmitting the hard-to-imagine volumes of data through networks to data centers for processing, the data center itself is undergoing a fundamental shift with new networking and architecture co-design opportunities. In a previous ... » read more

Data Center Evolution: From Pluggable To Co-Packaged Optics

A torrent of data traffic is growing at an exponential rate driven by applications including 5G, AI/ML, video streaming, online gaming, ADAS and more. Handling this data traffic are hyperscale data centers that have grown to over 500 in number worldwide with a third as many in the pipeline. To scale computing resources to the growing data demands, hyperscale data centers deploy fiber optics thr... » read more

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