SW/HW Codesign For CXL Memory Disaggregation In Billion-Scale Nearest Neighbor Search (KAIST)

A technical paper titled “Bridging Software-Hardware for CXL Memory Disaggregation in Billion-Scale Nearest Neighbor Search” was published by researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Panmnesia. Abstract: "We propose CXL-ANNS, a software-hardware collaborative approach to enable scalable approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) services. To this e... » read more

Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: September 26

New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library: [table id=146 /] More Reading Technical Paper Library home » read more

3D-Integrated Neuromorphic Hardware With A Two-Level Neuromorphic “Synapse Over Neuron” Structure

A technical paper titled “3D Neuromorphic Hardware with Single Thin-Film Transistor Synapses Over Single Thin-Body Transistor Neurons by Monolithic Vertical Integration” was published by researchers at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and SK hynix. Abstract: "Neuromorphic hardware with a spiking neural network (SNN) can significantly enhance the energy efficiency... » read more

Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: August 9

New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library: [table id=124 /] More Reading Technical Paper Library home » read more

How Band Nesting Can Achieve Near-Perfect Optical Absorption In Just Two Layers Of TMD Materials

A technical paper titled “Achieving near-perfect light absorption in atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides through band nesting” was published by researchers at University of Minnesota, University of Notre Dame, and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Abstract: "Near-perfect light absorbers (NPLAs), with absorbance, λ, of at least 99%, have a wide ... » read more

Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: July 24

New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library: [table id=119 /] More Reading Technical Paper Library home » read more

A Practical DRAM-Based Multi-Level PIM Architecture For Data Analytics

A technical paper titled "Darwin: A DRAM-based Multi-level Processing-in-Memory Architecture for Data Analytics" was published by researchers at Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) and SK hynix Inc. Abstract: "Processing-in-memory (PIM) architecture is an inherent match for data analytics application, but we observe major challenges to address when accelerating it usi... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

Renesas Electronics completed its acquisition of Panthronics, a fabless company specializing in near-field communication (NFC) wireless products. Renesas has already incorporated Panthronics NFC technology into several solution reference designs for applications such as payment, IoT, asset tracking, and smart meters. The European Commission announced new funding for the semiconductor and mic... » read more

Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: Jan. 31

New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library. [table id=77 /] If you have research papers you are trying to promote, we will review them to see if they are a good fit for our global audience. At a minimum, papers need to be well researched and documented, relevant to the semiconductor ecosystem, and free of marketing bias. There is no cost involved for us posting l... » read more

Efficiently Process Large RM Datasets In Underlying Memory Pool, Disaggregated Over CXL (KAIST)

A technical paper titled "Failure Tolerant Training with Persistent Memory Disaggregation over CXL" was published (preprint) by researchers at KAIST and Panmnesia. "TRAININGCXL can efficiently process large-scale recommendation datasets in the pool of disaggregated memory while making training fault tolerant with low overhead," states the paper. Find the technical paper here. or here (IEE... » read more

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