Bell state analyzer for spectrally distinct photons

Abstract "We demonstrate a Bell state analyzer that operates directly on frequency mismatch. Based on electro-optic modulators and Fourier-transform pulse shapers, our quantum frequency processor design implements interleaved Hadamard gates in discrete frequency modes. Experimental tests on entangled-photon inputs reveal fidelities of ∼98% for discriminating between the |Ψ+⟩ and |Ψ−⟩... » read more

Week In Review: Manufacturing, Test

Worldwide fab equipment spending for front-end manufacturing is expected to hit $107 billion this year, an 18% year-over-year increase, according to SEMI’s latest World Fab Forecast report. “Crossing the $100 billion mark in spending on global fab equipment for the first time is a historic milestone for the semiconductor industry,” said Ajit Manocha, president and CEO of SEMI. Investme... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Feb. 18

Cryogenic memory Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory demonstrated a new cryogenic memory cell circuit design based on coupled arrays of Josephson junctions. Such a memory could help enable exascale and quantum computing. The cells are designed to operate in super cold temperatures and were tested at just 4 Kelvin above absolute zero, about minus 452 degrees Fahrenheit. At these col... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Jan. 28

Accelerator-on-chip Researchers at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory created an electron-accelerator-on-chip. While the technique is much less powerful than standard particle accelerators, it can be much smaller. It relied upon an infrared laser to deliver, in less than a hair’s width, the sort of energy boost that takes microwaves many feet. The team carved ... » read more

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