Multi-Wavelength, Multimode Communication Scheme For On-Chip and Chip-to-Chip Interconnects

A technical paper titled "Multi-dimensional data transmission using inverse-designed silicon photonics and microcombs" was published by researchers at Stanford, Harvard, University of Central Florida, NIST, and others. "Here we demonstrate an integrated multi-dimensional communication scheme that combines wavelength- and mode- multiplexing on a silicon photonic circuit. Using foundry-compati... » read more

Heterogeneous Integration Issues And Developments

There are a slew of new developments in advanced packaging, from new materials, chiplets, and interconnect schemes, to challenges involving how to physically put chips in a package, metallization, thermal cycling, and parasitics in the interconnect path. Dick Otte, CEO of Promex Industries, talks about how this will change chip design and manufacturing, and how those changes are likely to unfol... » read more

Research Bits: Dec. 13

Electronic-photonic interface for data centers Engineers at Caltech and the University of Southampton integrated an electronic and photonic chip for high-speed communication in data centers. "There are more than 2,700 data centers in the U.S. and more than 8,000 worldwide, with towers of servers stacked on top of each other to manage the load of thousands of terabytes of data going in and o... » read more

Week In Review: Manufacturing, Test

The more than 1,400 attendees at this week’s IEDM, which celebrated the 75th anniversary of the transistor, were clearly focused on making the next 75 years of semiconductors even more remarkable than the last. Intel, Samsung, TSMC, STMicroelectronics, GlobalFoundries and imec announced breakthrough devices, materials, and even integration approaches. These included: Intel showcased adva... » read more

Research Bits: Dec. 5

Protonic programmable resistors for AI Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) developed an analog deep learning processor based on protonic programmable resistors arranged in an array. In the processor, increasing and decreasing the electrical conductance of protonic resistors enables analog machine learning. The conductance is controlled by the movement of protons... » read more

Chip Sandwich: Electronics Chip & Photonics Chip Co-Optimized To Work Together (CalTech/Univ. of Southampton)

A technical paper titled "A 100-Gb/s PAM4 Optical Transmitter in a 3-D-Integrated SiPh-CMOS Platform Using Segmented MOSCAP Modulators" was published by researchers at CalTech and University of Southampton. "The resulting optimized interface between the two chips allows them to transmit 100 gigabits of data per second while producing just 2.4 pico-Joules per transmitted bit. This improves th... » read more

EDA Tools For Quantum Chips

Commercially viable quantum computers are at least several years away, but some researchers already are questioning whether existing EDA tools will be sufficient for designing quantum chips and systems. That’s because quantum design requirements at times transcend classical rules about materials, temperature, and structure — rules that are foundational for the majority of EDA products on th... » read more

Using Silicon Photonics To Reduce Latency On Edge Devices

A new technical paper titled "Delocalized photonic deep learning on the internet’s edge" was published by researchers at MIT and Nokia Corporation. “Every time you want to run a neural network, you have to run the program, and how fast you can run the program depends on how fast you can pipe the program in from memory. Our pipe is massive — it corresponds to sending a full feature-leng... » read more

New Class of Electrically Driven Optical Nonvolatile Memory

A new technical paper titled "Electrical Programmable Multi-Level Non-volatile Photonic Random-Access Memory" was published by researchers at George Washington University, Optelligence, MIT, and the University of Central Florida. Researchers demonstrate "a multi-state electrically-programmed low-loss non-volatile photonic memory based on a broadband transparent phase change material (Ge2Sb2S... » read more

Research Bits: Oct. 25

Polarization for photonic processor Researchers from the University of Oxford and University of Exeter developed a photonic processor that uses multiple polarization channels, increasing information density. "We all know that the advantage of photonics over electronics is that light is faster and more functional over large bandwidths. So, our aim was to fully harness such advantages of phot... » read more

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