3D IC: Opportunities, Challenges, And Solutions

Nearly every big city reaches a point in its evolution when it runs out of open space and starts building vertically. This enables far more apartments, offices and people per square mile, while avoiding the increased infrastructure costs of suburban sprawl. Semiconductors are evolving in much the same way. Moore’s Law is slowing, and adoption of new advanced technology nodes is slowing as wel... » read more

Changes In Auto Architectures

Automotive architectures are changing from a driver-centric model to one where technology supplements and in some cases replaces the driver. Hans Adlkofer, senior vice president and head of the Automotive Systems Group at Infineon, looks at the different levels of automation in a vehicle, what’s involved in the shift from domain to zonal architectures, why a mix of processors will be required... » read more

Reducing Power Delivery Overhead

The power delivery network (PDN) is a necessary overhead that typically remains in the background — until it fails. For chip design teams, the big question is how close to the edge are they willing to push it? Or put differently, is the gain worth the pain? This question is being scrutinized in very small geometry designs, where margins can make a significant difference in device performan... » read more

Chip-Package Co-Analysis Using Ansys RedHawk-CPA

Ansys RedHawk-CPA is an integrated chip–package co-analysis solution that enables quick and accurate modeling of the package layout for inclusion in on-chip power integrity simulations using Ansys RedHawk. With RedHawk-CPA a designer can perform static IR drop analysis and AC hotspot analysis of the package layout following RedHawk static and dynamic analyses respectively. To ensure a reliab... » read more

Redefining The Power Delivery Network

Reliably getting power around a package containing multiple dies, potentially coming from multiple sources, or implemented in diverse technologies, is becoming much more difficult. The tools and needed to do this in an optimized manner are not all there today. Nevertheless, the industry is confident that we can get there. For a single die, the problem has evolved slowly over time. "For a ... » read more

Power Challenges In ML Processors

The design of artificial intelligence (AI) chips or machine learning (ML) systems requires that designers and architects use every trick in the book and then learn some new ones if they are to be successful. Call it style, call it architecture, there are some designs that are just better than others. When it comes to power, there are plenty of ways that small changes can make large differences.... » read more

Where Timing And Voltage Intersect

João Geada, chief technologist at ANSYS, talks about the limitations for power delivery networks and what processors can handle, why the current solutions to these issues are causing failures, and how voltage reduction can affect timing. » read more

Pushing Memory Harder

In an optimized system, no component is waiting for another component while there is useful work to be done. Unfortunately, this is not the case with the processor/memory interface. Put simply, memory cannot keep up. Accessing memory is slow, and it can consume a significant fraction of the power budget. And the general consensus is this problem is not going away anytime soon, despite effort... » read more

3D Power Delivery

Getting power into and around a chip is becoming a lot more difficult due to increasing power density, but 2.5D and 3D integration are pushing those problems to whole new levels. The problems may even be worse with new packaging approaches, such as chiplets, because they constrain how problems can be analyzed and solved. Add to that list issues around new fabrication technologies and an emph... » read more

Designing For Ultra-Low-Power IoT Devices

Optimizing designs for power is becoming the top design challenge in battery-driven IoT devices, boxed in by a combination of requirements such as low cost, minimum performance and functionality, as well as the need for at least some of the circuits to be always on. Power optimization is growing even more complicated as AI inferencing moves from the data center to the edge. Even simple... » read more

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