Electronics Supply-Chain Trust Standards Emerge

Creative new ideas for electronics supply-chain trust are in rich supply, whether securing identity, protecting logistics, or establishing provenance. But underlying these efforts are wide-ranging standards in development from a broad set of organizations. Today, no one-stop-shop for supply-chain standards exists. Instead, there is huge fragmentation. It can be difficult to identify all of t... » read more

Security Verification Of Rambus’ CryptoManager Root Of Trust By Tortuga Logic

The confidentiality and integrity of cryptographic key material is critical to maintaining system security. A hardware root of trust, such as the Rambus CryptoManager Root of Trust, is designed to securely generate, store, and employ cryptographic keys. Tortuga Logic has independently verified the policies surrounding access to keys stored within registers in the CryptoManager Root of Trust usi... » read more

Top Tech Videos Of 2020

2020 shaped up to be a year of major upheaval, emerging markets and even increased demand in certain sectors. So it's not surprising that videos focusing on AI, balancing power and performance, designing and manufacturing at advanced nodes, advanced packaging, and automotive-related subjects were the most popular. Of the 68 videos published this year, the following were the most viewed in ea... » read more

Blog Review: Dec. 30

Cadence's Paul McLellan considers what the next ten years will look like for the RISC-V ISA with an expanding software ecosystem and increasing number of commercial and open cores available. Siemens EDA's Harry Foster checks out the languages and libraries being used to design and verify FPGAs and how they've changed over the last several years. Synopsys' Jonathan Knudsen contends that IT... » read more

Why It’s So Hard To Stop Cyber Attacks On ICs

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss security risks across multiple market segments with Helena Handschuh, security technologies fellow at Rambus; Mike Borza, principal security technologist for the Solutions Group at Synopsys; Steve Carlson, director of aerospace and defense solutions at Cadence; Alric Althoff, senior hardware security engineer at Tortuga Logic; and Joe Kiniry, princi... » read more

Blog Review: Dec. 23

Cadence's Paul McLellan checks out how Arm is becoming a powerhouse in the server and high-end space with the addition of new R&D and a focus on getting the most out of its architecture. Siemens EDA's Harry Foster continues his look at verification trends in FPGAs by checking out adoption of different simulation and formal technologies. Synopsys' Taylor Armerding looks ahead to 2021 w... » read more

Low Power Still Leads, But Energy Emerges As Future Focus

In 2021 and beyond, chips used in smartphones, digital appliances, and nearly all major applications will need to go on a diet. As the amount of data being generated continues to swell, more processors are being added everywhere to sift through that data to determine what's useful, what isn't, and how to distribute it. All of that uses power, and not all of it is being done as efficiently as... » read more

Pushing The Envelope With HBM2E Memory

In September, Rambus announced the achievement of reaching 4 gigabits per second (Gbps) operation with our HBM2E memory interface. This milestone was demonstrated in silicon and required mastering substantial signal integrity and power integrity (SI/PI) challenges. The 4 Gbps mark represents a 20% rise from the previous maximum data rate of 3.2 Gbps for HBM2E. To date, the industry’s faste... » read more

New Security Approaches, New Threats

New and different approaches to security are gaining a foothold as the life expectancy for advanced chips increases, and as emerging technologies such as quantum computing threaten to crack even the most complex encryption schemes. These approaches include everything from homomorphic encryption, where data is processed without being decrypted, to different ways of sending and receiving data ... » read more

Using ICs To Shrink Auto’s Carbon Footprint

A large portion of the burden for reducing greenhouse gases is being handed off to makers of automotive chips and systems, which are being tasked to make vehicles drive further using less energy and with zero emissions. The effort is critical in battling climate change. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the transportation sector represented 28.2% of 2018 greenhouse gas e... » read more

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