Reducing Risk In The Semiconductor Supply Chain

Companies that were hit with chip shortages during the pandemic are changing their strategies to prevent future problems, deploying a combination of supply chain mapping, second sourcing, and digital transformation. Those shortages caused a $200 billion loss for automotive manufacturers, and the disruptions were far more widespread, in many cases lasting for years. Companies of all sorts wer... » read more

Strengthening The Global Semi Supply Chain

Within the semiconductor ecosystem, there are a number of dynamics pointing to the need for new ways of partnering in more meaningful ways that bring resiliency to the global semiconductor supply chain. One of these is the move to bespoke silicon, stemming from a shift in the companies that create most SoCs today -- the hyperscalar cloud providers. These market leaders know their workloads so w... » read more

Securing Heterogeneous Integration at the Chiplet, Interposer, and System-In-Package Levels (FICS-University of Florida)

A new research paper titled "ToSHI - Towards Secure Heterogeneous Integration: Security Risks, Threat Assessment, and Assurance" was published by researchers at the Florida Institute for Cybersecurity (FICS) Research, University of Florida. Abstract "The semiconductor industry is entering a new age in which device scaling and cost reduction will no longer follow the decades-long pattern. Pa... » read more

CEO Outlook: Chip Industry 2022

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss broad industry changes and how that affects chip design with Anirudh Devgan, president and CEO of Cadence; Joseph Sawicki, executive vice president of Siemens EDA; Niels Faché, vice president and general manager at Keysight; Simon Segars, advisor at Arm; and Aki Fujimura, chairman and CEO of D2S. This discussion was held in front of a live audience... » read more

Combating Counterfeit Semiconductors in the Automotive Supply Chain

The counterfeit market for semiconductors is real, sizable and growing. Industry analysts peg the current market for fake semiconductors at $75B. Counterfeit chips pose great risk to driver comfort and safety, to say nothing of the severe negative consequences they present to automaker revenues and brand. The good news is there are immediate and cost-effective measures available to secu... » read more

Tech Talk: Smart Manufacturing

Tom Salmon, vice president of collaborative technology platforms at SEMI, examines the electronics supply chain and what the industry organization is doing to pull all of the pieces together. Related Stories Smart Manufacturing Gains Momentum Problems remain for legacy infrastructure, but adoption will continue to grow as gaps are identified and plugged. ... » read more