Best Practices For Efficient And Effective Planar EM Simulation

Designers of today’s complex, multi-featured communications products require accurate and fast electromagnetic (EM) simulation to deliver cost-effective, high-performance products to market in ever-shrinking windows of opportunity. The Cadence AWR AXIEM 3D planar method-of-moments (MoM) EM analysis simulator within the AWR software portfolio delivers the accuracy, capacity, and speed designer... » read more

Next-Gen Design Challenges

As more heterogeneous chips and different types of circuitry are designed into one system, that all needs to be simulated, verified and validated before tape-out. Aveek Sarkar, vice president of engineering at Synopsys, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about the intersection of scale complexity and systemic complexity, the rising number of corners, and the reduced margin with which to buffe... » read more

Faster Than Moore’s Law: Exponential Innovation In Electromagnetic Simulation

Moore’s Law is the most iconic statement of exponential technology advancement, doubling transistor count and hence functional performance every 24 months. Many pundits [1-3] have observed that while technology advancement is exponential, human expectations are linear. We often fail to anticipate when a technology may arrive in short order. Electromagnetic simulation has delivered exponential... » read more

OVP Guide To Using Processor Models

The OVP simulation technology from Open Virtual Platforms (OVP) and Imperas Software Limited enables very high performance simulation, debug and analysis of virtual platforms containing multiple processor and peripheral models. The OVP technology is extensible, provides the ability to create new models of processors and other platform components by writing C/C++ code that uses application progr... » read more

Modeling PCBs For Common Causes Of Failure

By Theresa Duncan and Michael Blattau When designing printed circuit boards (PCBs), keep in mind the major causes of electronic failure: thermal cycling, vibration, and mechanical shock and drop. You can perform a variety of physical tests to determine how and why electronics fail, however, a much faster and cost-effective solution is PCB modeling and simulation. When simulation is used i... » read more

Optimizing Power Supply

Any electrical engineer knows providing power to your board is a key feature in PCB design. While most boards can be functional, their true quality shines when the perfect level of power to components is achieved. Building and designing better power supplies is the best way to ensure the end-product has full life-cycle potential. But how do we ensure we can convert a (potentially variable) i... » read more

Achieving Physical Reliability Of Electronics With Digital Design

By John Parry and G.A. (Wendy) Luiten With today’s powerful computational resources, digital design is increasingly used earlier in the design cycle to predict zero-hour nominal performance and to assess reliability. The methodology presented in this article uses a combination of simulation and testing to assess design performance, providing more reliability and increased productivity. ... » read more

Verification’s Inflection Point

Functional verification is nearing an inflection point, brought on by rising complexity and the many tentacles that are intermixing it with other disciplines. New abstractions or different ways to approach the problems are needed. Being a verification engineer is no longer enough, except for those whose concerns is block-level verification. Most of the time and effort spent in verification i... » read more

RISC-V Verification Challenges Spread

The RISC-V ecosystem is struggling to keep pace with rapid innovation and customization, which is increasing the amount of verification work required for each design and spreading that work out across more engineers at more companies. The historical assumption is that verification represents 60% to 80% or more of SoC project effort in terms of cost and time for a mature, mainstream processor... » read more

10X Faster Electromagnetic 3D Simulation

Virtual prototypes are essential to optimize the signal integrity performance of their high-performance electronics products. Today, engineering teams are pushing to get fast electromagnetic (EM) simulations of printed circuit boards (PCB) and 3D chip packages in just a few hours with the highest level of accuracy. The state of the art in EM simulation has come a long way: Back in 2000 it wa... » read more

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