IC Industry’s Growing Role In Sustainability

The massive power needs of AI systems are putting a spotlight on sustainability in the semiconductor ecosystem. The chip industry needs to be able to produce more efficient and lower-power semiconductors. But demands for increased processing speed are rising with the widespread use of large language models and the overall increase in the amount of data that needs to be processed. Gartner estima... » read more

Sparking Climate Action With Earth Month Lightning Talks

In the age of rapidly advancing technology and global connectivity, it’s essential to recognize the impact of our actions on the planet. As industries evolve, so must our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. In this spirit, the Climate Equity and Social Impact (CESI) working group, part of the SEMI Sustainability Initiative, last month hosted the semiconductor industry... » read more

Environmental Impact of Semiconductor Manufacturing (ORNL)

A  technical paper titled "Cleaner Chips: Decarbonization in Semiconductor Manufacturing" was published by researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) / UT-Battelle. Abstract: "The growth of the information and communication technology sector has vastly accelerated in recent decades because of advancements in digitalization and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Scope 1, 2, and 3 gree... » read more

Outlook 2024: An Ever Growing Imperative

Sustainability is an ever-present and growing imperative. As an industry, we are at the forefront of the drive to innovate towards this goal. We must also accept the challenge of creating these high-performance, high added-value products using sustainable processes and practices. There is constant pressure to use energy and materials as efficiently as possible without compromising the quality a... » read more

Environmentally Sustainable FPGAs (Notre Dame, Univ. of Pittsburgh)

A new technical paper titled "REFRESH FPGAs: Sustainable FPGA Chiplet Architectures" was published by University of Notre Dame and University of Pittsburgh. Abstract "There is a growing call for greater amounts of increasingly agile computational power for edge and cloud infrastructure to serve the computationally complex needs of ubiquitous computing devices. Thus, an important challenge i... » read more

Shaping A Sustainable $1 Trillion Era

The semiconductor industry remains on course to reach a total of US$1 trillion in global revenue by 2030, with the journey from US$600 billion expected to take just a decade. At the CEO Summit during SEMICON Europa 2023, SEMI Europe President Laith Altimime attributed this remarkable growth to powerful megatrends, most notably artificial intelligence (AI). AI, in turn, is creating new opport... » read more

IC Manufacturing Targets Less Water, Less Waste

Fabs, OSATs, and equipment makers are accelerating their efforts to consume less water while recycling more material waste in a trend toward better sustainability. With chips, sustainability is heavily focused on carbon emissions, and energy consumption is a significant contributor. But there is an equal effort underway to reduce water consumption and pollution. Across the globe, the number ... » read more

Simplifying Power Module Verification Using Compliance Checking

By Wilfried Wessel, Siemens EDA; Simon Liebetegger, University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt; and Florian Bauer, Siemens EDA Current simulation and verification methods for power modules are time-consuming. Each domain has specific solutions based on finite elements analysis, computational fluid dynamics and solvers for electric circuits like SPICE. This article investigates if it is possib... » read more

Sustainable Products For A More Sustainable World

Teradyne’s sustainability journey began three decades ago with a focus on minimizing the environmental impact of our buildings and infrastructure, as outlined in our two part blog series (check out part one and part two). This effort also includes a focus on making our products more sustainable. In this blog, learn how Teradyne’s products and efforts are contributing to a more sustainabl... » read more

Are In-Person Conferences Sustainable?

DAC/Semicon are now over, and while I missed a large part of it due to a stomach bug, I increasingly have a stale taste in my mouth about in-person conferences in general. Let's split things up – an event such as DAC is both an academic conference and a trade show. It has been that way almost since its inception 60 years ago. There are many other conferences that are pure conferences, and the... » read more

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