Blog Review: March 22

Siemens EDA's Dan Yu warns that the unavailability of verification data is slowing down the development of advanced machine learning for verification, with valuable data assets either siloed among different team members or projects or simply discarded due to the lack of analytic techniques to extract value from them. Synopsys' Richard Solomon and Dana Neustadter point to the need for hardwar... » read more

Mini-Consortia Forming Around Chiplets

Mini-consortia for chiplets are sprouting up across the industry, driven by demands for increasing customization in tight market windows and fueled by combinations of hardened IP that have been proven in silicon. These loosely aligned partnerships are working to develop LEGO-like integration models for highly specific applications and end markets. But they all are starting small, because it'... » read more

Cooling The Data Center

Since British mathematician and entrepreneur Clive Humby coined the rallying cry, “Data is the new oil,” some 20 years ago, it has been an upbeat phrase at data science conferences. But in engineering circles, that increasingly includes a daily grind of hardware challenges, and chief among them is how to cool the places where all that data is processed and stored. An estimated 65 zettaby... » read more

Blog Review: March 15

Siemens EDA's Dan Yu finds that high-quality, well-connected mass data are crucial to the success of applying machine learning to verification and recommends teams pivot to a data-centric workflow. Synopsys' Shankar Krishnamoorthy suggests that deploying AI-driven chip design and verification can free teams from iterative work, letting them focus instead on product differentiation and PPA en... » read more

Self-Heating Issues Spread

With every new node there are additional physical effects that must be considered, but not all of them are of the same level of criticality. One that is being mentioned more frequently is self-heating. All devices consume power and when they do that, it becomes heat. "In essence, all active devices generate heat as carriers move, creating channels for current to pass through the gates," says... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

Arm is expected to list solely on a U.S. stock exchange when it goes public again later this year, forgoing the London Stock Exchange for now, the BBC reports. Global investment banks expect the offering to value the company between $30 billion and $70 billion, according to Bloomberg. Disaggregating chips into specialized processors, memories, and architectures is becoming necessary for cont... » read more

100G Ethernet IP For Edge Computing

The presence of Ethernet in our lives has paved the way for the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT). Ethernet has connected everything around us and beyond, from smart homes and businesses, to industries, schools, and governments. This specification is even found in our vehicles, facilitating communication between internal devices. Ethernet has enabled high-performance computing data cent... » read more

Uneven Circuit Aging Becoming A Bigger Problem

Circuit aging is emerging as a first-order design challenge as engineering teams look for new ways to improve reliability and ensure the functionality of chips throughout their expected lifetimes. The need for reliability is obvious in data centers and automobiles, where a chip failure could result in downtime or injury. It also is increasingly important in mobile and consumer electronics, w... » read more

What Makes RISC-V Verification Unique?

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the verification of RISC-V processors with Pete Hardee, group director for product management at Cadence; Mike Eftimakis, vice president for strategy and ecosystem at Codasip; Simon Davidmann, founder and CEO of Imperas Software; Sven Beyer, program manager for processor verification at Siemens EDA; Kiran Vittal, senior director of alliances partner... » read more

Blog Review: March 8

Synopsys' Rahul Thukral and Bhavana Chaurasia find that embedded MRAM is undergoing an uplift in utilization for low-power, advanced-node SoCs thanks to its high capacity, high density, and ability to scale to lower geometries. Siemens EDA's Chris Spear dives into the UVM Factory with a look at the  SystemVerilog Object-Oriented Programming concepts behind the factory. Cadence's Veena Pa... » read more

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