Blog Review: May 11

Ansys' Vidyu Challa checks out how to identify the most important battery metrics for a particular application and trade these off against others with a focus on the important considerations when selecting the right battery for a consumer application, such as rechargeability, energy density, power density, shelf life, safety, form factor, cost, and flexibility. Cadence's Shyam Sharma points ... » read more

Hidden Impacts Of Software Updates

Over-the-air updates can reduce obsolescence over longer chip and system lifetimes, but those updates also can impact reliability, performance, and affect how various resources such as memory and various processing elements are used. The connected world is very familiar with over-the-air (OTA) updates in smart phones and computers, where the software stack — firmware, operating systems, dr... » read more

Where And When End-to-End Analytics Works

With data exploding across all manufacturing steps, the promise of leveraging it from fab to field is beginning to pay off. Engineers are beginning to connect device data across manufacturing and test steps, making it possible to more easily achieve yield and quality goals at lower cost. The key is knowing which process knob will increase yield, which failures can be detected earlier, and wh... » read more

Closing The Post-Silicon Timing Analysis Gap

Accurate static timing analysis is one of the most important steps in the development of advanced node semiconductor devices. Performance numbers are included in chip and system specifications from the earliest marketing requirements. The architects and designers carefully determine clock cycle times that can achieve the required performance using the chosen high-level architecture, micro-archi... » read more

A Holistic Approach To Energy-Efficient System-On-Chip (SoC) Design

It takes a great deal of energy to power the modern world, and demand grows every day. This is especially true for electronics, where ever increasing automation and more intelligent devices incessantly demand more power. Many applications that use chips face a variety of pressures for reduced power consumption and better energy efficiency. In response, the semiconductor and electronic design au... » read more

Building Security Into ICs From The Ground Up

Cyberattacks are becoming more frequent and more sophisticated, but they also are starting to compromise platforms that until recently were considered unbreakable. Consider blockchains, for example, which were developed as secure, distributed ledger platforms. All of them must be updated with the same data for a transaction to proceed. But earlier this year a blockchain bridge platform calle... » read more

New Neural Processors Address Emerging Neural Networks

It’s been ten years since AlexNet, a deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) model running on GPUs, displaced more traditional vision processing algorithms to win the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Competition (ILSVRC). AlexNet, and its successors, provided significant improvements in object classification accuracy at the cost of intense computational complexity and large da... » read more

A New World Of Innovation

There has been a fundamental shift in product innovation. Not merely a revolution in materials or design, but a revolution of possibilities. Advanced software technologies such as artificial intelligence have given us a peek of what could be, enabled by methods to deliver the speed that turn worldchanging ideas into reality. We’ve now reached an event horizon — one where semiconductors and ... » read more

Blog Review: May 4

In a podcast, Arm's Geof Wheelwright chats with Steve Furber of the University of Manchester and Christian Mayr of Technische Universität Dresden about spiking neural networks and the SpiNNaker project to build a platform for realistic real-time models of brain functions. Synopsys' Licinio Sousa checks out how the MIPI protocol enables the connectivity needed for sensor fusion and increasin... » read more

Week In Review: Manufacturing, Test

It's earnings season, and despite widespread reports of capacity issues and shortages, the chip industry turned in relatively solid results across the board. Intel exceeded January guidance for Q1, reporting first-quarter GAAP revenue of $18.4 billion, a 7% year-over-year decrease, and a 1% decrease year-over-year on non-GAAP basis. Record revenue was achieved in the Network and Edge Group, ... » read more

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