Technical Paper Round-Up: March 29

Improving batteries, ultra low-power photonic edge computing, SLAM, Tellurium for 2D semiconductors, and reservoir computing top the past week's technical papers. The focus on energy is critical as the edge buildout continues and more devices are connected to a battery, while research into new architectures and materials that will continue scaling and improve performance per watt continue at th... » read more

Rotating neurons for all-analog implementation of cyclic reservoir computing

Abstract "Hardware implementation in resource-efficient reservoir computing is of great interest for neuromorphic engineering. Recently, various devices have been explored to implement hardware-based reservoirs. However, most studies were mainly focused on the reservoir layer, whereas an end-to-end reservoir architecture has yet to be developed. Here, we propose a versatile method for implemen... » read more

Energy Harvesting and Power Management for IoT Devices in the 5G Era

Abstract: "The fifth-generation (5G) network is a fast-growing technology that impacts personal devices for both society and the economy. With the widespread Internet of Things (IoT) devices in such networks, powering and exploring energy to operate them is vital in the 5G era. Therefore, projecting and forecasting how to power IoT devices in the 5G network have already begun, with an aspira... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Jan. 3

Optical device integration Researchers from the University of Strathclyde, University of Glasgow, and the Australian National University propose a way to place multiple micron-scale optical devices made from different materials close together on a single silicon chip. “The development of electronics that are based on silicon transistors has enabled increasingly more powerful and flexible ... » read more

Week in Review: IoT, Security, Auto

Internet of Things Cattle ranchers in Australia are using solar-powered ear tags to keep track of their herds, connecting through LoRa technology to locate their bulls, cows, heifers, and steers. SODAQ of the Netherlands and Lacuna Space of the U.K. are providing the Internet of Things technology and satellite-based LoRa connectivity to make this possible. “The main differentiator for LoRa o... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Sept. 18

Flexible nanowires The University of Glasgow has developed a new contact-printing system that prints and embeds silicon nanowires into flexible surfaces. The technology enables new forms of flexible electronics. It can be used to develop low-power circuits in flexible substrates, such as plastic, paper and fabrics. Researchers from the University of Glasgow have developed a new contact-p... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Aug. 21

Physical neural network Engineers at UCLA built a physical artificial neural network capable of identifying objects as light passes through a series of 3D printed polymer layers. Called a "diffractive deep neural network," it uses the light bouncing from the object itself to identify that object, a process that consumes no energy and is faster than traditional computer-based methods of imag... » read more

Non-Traditional Chips Gaining Steam

Flexible hybrid electronics are beginning to roll out in the form of medical devices, wearable electronics and even near-field communications tags in retail, setting the stage for a whole new wave of circuit design, manufacturing and packaging that reaches well beyond traditional chips. FHE devices begin with substrates made of ceramics, glass, plastic, polyimide, polymers, polysilicon, stai... » read more

System Bits: Oct. 31

Software enables cars to auto-report diagnostics Thanks to researchers at MIT, it may soon be possible to hop into a ride-share car, glance at a smartphone app, and tell the driver that the car’s left front tire needs air, its air filter should be replaced next week, and its engine needs two new spark plugs. [caption id="attachment_409967" align="alignnone" width="300"] A new smartphone a... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Aug. 1

Magnetic chips HRL Laboratories—an R&D venture between Boeing and General Motors—has been awarded a contract to develop a new class of magnetic integrated components. HRL has received the award from the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) under the Magnetic, Miniaturized, and Monolithically Integrated Components (M3IC) program. The goal is to develop new magnetic materials... » read more

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