Two Methods For Debugging SW Workloads On Arm-Based SoCs

By Andy Meier and Tomasz Piekarz In a typical system-on-a-chip (SoC) development project, chip architects will make a given SoC's initial specification available to design teams years in advance of the silicon. As requirements change, they will modify both the hardware and software specifications. Typically, a large portion of the software development occurs much later in the development pro... » read more

How To Reduce The Impact Of The Global Microcontroller Shortage On ECU Software Development

The COVID-19 pandemic had a massive impact on all facets of business and commerce, as widespread supply chain disruptions rippled through every industry. Multiple factors collided to create a global microcontroller shortage that is now impacting the automotive industry, and is forcing developers to redesign Electronic Control Units (ECUs) using alternative Microcontrollers (MCUs) and to otherwi... » read more

Dealing With Market Shifts

Back in the days when I was in EDA development, I was taken in by the words of Clayton Christensen when he published "The Innovators Dilemma." He successfully introduced the technology world to the ideas of disruptive innovation. One of the key takeaways was that you should always be working to make your own successful products redundant, or someone else will do it for you. One tool I worked... » read more

What’s Next For Emulation

Emulation is now the cornerstone of verification for advanced chip designs, but how emulation will evolve to meet future demands involving increasingly dense, complex, and heterogeneous architectures isn't entirely clear. EDA companies have been investing heavily in emulation, increasing capacity, boosting performance, and adding new capabilities. Now the big question is how else they can le... » read more

Debug Solutions For Designers Accelerate Time To Verification

Complexity continues to explode as designs become larger and more complicated with more functionality and more aggressive expectations. The cost of doing business as usual, for the entire design and verification team, in turn, grows exponentially, in terms of time, effort, and dollars. Fig. 1: Discovering issues later than possible requires more effort to find and fix. (Source: Wilson Rese... » read more

Intelligent Coverage Optimization: Verification Closure In Hyperdrive

Coverage dominates every aspect of verification for today’s complex IP and chip designs. Coverage metrics provide critical feedback on what has been verified and what has not, especially when automated stimulus generation techniques are used. All modern hardware design and verification languages include constructs for functional coverage specification and support a range of structural coverag... » read more

The Road To Osmosis

It’s happening. Some may have speculated that, with the acquisition of OneSpin by Siemens, the OneSpin user group meeting, more commonly known as Osmosis, would be formally (pun intended) absorbed into a larger Siemens event. Well, I’m here to tell you that Osmosis is officially on the books and will continue to focus on the specific area of formal verification. The team has been working di... » read more

Leveraging Symbolic Simulations For IO Verification

IO libraries and interface IPs are an important part of any integrated circuit design that needs to communicate with the outside world or other integrated circuits. Interface IPs are the literal gatekeepers to the flow of logical and electrical information from one IC to another to form today’s complex computer systems, influencing almost every aspect of our lives these days. Interface IPs (e... » read more

Using IP-XACT To Solve Design And Verification Problems

As today’s SoC designs grow more complex and time-to-market (TTM) pressures rise, designers are looking for techniques to build and update designs easily. Key elements for addressing these SoC challenges include the incorporation of more commercial IP components, internal design IP reuse, and extensive automation of design and verification activities. Enhanced interoperability and reusability... » read more

Accelerating Verification Shift Left With Intelligent Coverage Optimization

Functional verification dominates semiconductor development, consuming the largest percentage of project time and resources. Team members look at the rate of design bug discovery, consider anecdotal information on the types of bugs that escaped to silicon in previous projects, and use their best judgment based on their years of experience to determine when to tape out. Above all, they look at v... » read more

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