IP And Power

[getkc id="108" kc_name="Power"] is quickly becoming a major differentiator for products, regardless of whether they are connected to a wall outlet or dependent on a battery. At the same time, increasing amounts of a chips content comes from third-party [getkc id="43" kc_name="IP"]. So how do system designers ensure that the complete system has an optimal power profile, and what can they do to ... » read more

Mobile Machine Learning At Arm

Machine learning is playing an increasingly significant role in emerging mobile application domains such as AR/VR, ADAS, etc. Accordingly, hardware architects have designed customized hardware for machine learning algorithms, especially neural networks, to improve compute efficiency. However, machine learning is typically just one processing stage in complex end-to-end applications, which invol... » read more

Packaging Challenges For 2018

The IC packaging market is projected to see steady growth this year, amid ongoing changes in the landscape. The outsourced semiconductor assembly and test ([getkc id="83" kc_name="OSAT"]) industry, which provides third-party packaging and test services, has been consolidating for some time. So while sales rising, the number of companies is falling. In late 2017, for example, [getentity id="2... » read more

System Bits: Nov. 28

Better absorbing materials
 University of Illinois bioengineers have taken a new look at an old tool to help characterize a class of materials called metal organic frameworks (MOFs), used to detect, purify and store gases. The team believes these could help solve some of the world's most challenging energy, environmental and pharmaceutical challenges – and even pull water molecules straigh... » read more

Blog Review: Nov. 22

ARM's Jem Davies talks about an upcoming documentary on AI and where the lines need to be drawn between machine intelligence and human emotional intelligence. Mentor's Saunder Peng examines the impact of merging physical verification databases, which can cost time and resources, and how that can be streamlined. Cadence's Paul McClellan takes a look back at the Xerox Alto and how it change... » read more

Another Dimension For Virtual Reality

When you put on a virtual reality (VR) headset, you are connecting visually to another place—real or imagined. Most people connect VR with gaming, but increasingly business, industry and government users are finding new applications for the evolving technology. These applications, and many more to come, will help drive the adoption of VR and the devices used to access virtual environments. ... » read more

System Bits: Nov. 7

Exposing logic errors in deep neural networks In a new approach meant to brings transparency to self-driving cars and other self-taught systems, researchers at Columbia and Lehigh universities have come up with a way to automatically error-check the thousands to millions of neurons in a deep learning neural network. Their tool — DeepXplore — feeds confusing, real-world inputs into the ... » read more

Advanced Packaging’s Progress

Shim Il Kwon, CTO at STATS ChipPAC, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to discuss the current and future trends of chip packaging. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: The outsourced semiconductor assembly and test (OSAT) vendors provide third-party IC-packaging and test services. What are the big challenges for OSATs today? Shim: The OSAT market is very competitive, w... » read more

Starting Point Is Changing For Designs

The starting point for semiconductor designs is shifting. What used to be a fairly straightforward exercise of choosing a processor based on power or performance, followed by how much on-chip versus off-chip memory is required, has become much more complicated. This is partly due to an emphasis on application-specific hardware and software solutions for markets that either never existed befo... » read more

System Bits: July 25

The language of glove In a development that allows the gestures in American Sign Language to be decoded, University of California San Diego researchers have developed a smart glove that also has application in virtual and augmented reality to telesurgery, technical training and defense. [caption id="attachment_232228" align="alignnone" width="300"] "The Language of Glove": a smart glove that ... » read more

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