FPGA-Proven RISC-V System With Hardware Accelerated Task Scheduling

A technical paper titled “Enabling HW-based Task Scheduling in Large Multicore Architectures” was published by researchers at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, University of Campinas, University of Sao Paulo, and Arteris Inc. Abstract: "Dynamic Task Scheduling is an enticing programming model aiming to ease the development of parallel programs with intrinsically irregular or data-dependent... » read more

The Benefits Of Using Embedded Sensing Fabrics In AI Devices

AI chips, regardless of the application, are not regular ASICs and tend to be very large, this essentially means that AI chips are reaching the reticle limits in-terms of their size. They are also usually dominated by an array of regular structures and this helps to mitigate yield issues by building in tolerance to defect density due to the sheer number of processor blocks. The reason behind... » read more

Capturing Performance

The challenge of working out the best performance for a given power budget is not a new one, but in many power-sensitive applications, the balance is tricky and requires sophisticated techniques. This is especially true in the media processor market where many systems companies are held back by power, energy and thermal issues. “It's really not a battery problem, it's a thermal problem... » read more

Hardware Accelerators Earn Their Keep

By Ann Steffora Mutschler Hardware accelerators have been used for years, but with the proliferation of multicore chips and SoCs their use is evolving. Multicore processors have reduced the reliance on hardware accelerators, but that doesn’t mean the number of hardware accelerators is shrinking. The insatiable demand for performance while also reducing power consumption means that acceler... » read more

Software Debug Gets Tricky

By Ann Steffora Mutschler As designs continue to grow in size and complexity, that complexity has led to an increasing number of processing cores. Additional cores, in turn, allow for additional software to be run on those cores, and debugging the software becomes critical. Traditionally, emulation has played a significant role in verifying that software against RTL code, and continues to d... » read more