
ECTC 2024 Session Readout: Advancement of Metrology


A Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) session report titled “2024 ECTC Special Session Report: Advancing Metrology for Next-Generation Microelectronics” was published by NIST, Binghamton University, and TechSearch International.

“Metrology plays a pivotal role in semiconductor research, manufacturing, packaging and assembly. It is critical to the success of this industry. Advancements in measurement science, material characterization, instrumentation, testing, and manufacturing capabilities are critically needed to drive product innovation and ensure quality, yield, and manufacturing efficiency. As we look into the future of microelectronics and advanced semiconductor packaging technologies, from heterogeneous integration including wafer level packaging, hybrid bonding and beyond, each of these areas requires cutting-edge metrology to ensure precision and reliability. The special session on “Challenges and Opportunities in Advancing Metrology for NextGeneration Microelectronics” was held on May 28th, 2024, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM in Denver, CO, as part of the 2024 IEEE 74th Electronic Components and Technology Conference. The session was co-chaired by Ran Tao from NIST and Benson Chan from Binghamton University, featuring a panel moderated by Jan Vardaman from TechSearch International. Five distinguished speakers, Paul Hale from CHIPS for America, Gaurang Choksi from Intel Corporation, Zhihua Zou from TSMC, CP Hung from ASE Group, and Chet Lenox from KLA Corporation, shared their perspectives and insights on the metrology challenges and opportunities that today’s semiconductor industry is facing across every segment of the supply chain. The session started with individual presentations by each of the panelists, followed by a moderated panel and interactive Q&A session.”

Find the paper here. Published July 2024.

Citation: IEEE Electronics Packaging Society

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