Massive IoT Interop Fuels Protocol Battle

Wireless standards are plentiful, but most are not capable of being scaled to the level of a smart city. As a result, such networks have been built application-by-application using proprietary stacks, often with non-interoperable network layers. That, in turn, has slowed the proliferation of dense wireless connectivity at scale. “In a hyper-connected world, connectivity choices are driv... » read more

Accelerating 5G Baseband With Adaptive SoCs

5G new radio (NR) network specifications demand new architectures for radio and access networks. While the 5G NR architecture includes new spectrum and massive MIMO (mMIMO) antennas, corresponding access networks architecture must also evolve to implement the services defined by 5G, which include enhanced Mobile Broadband, Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications and massive Machine Type Commu... » read more

AiP/AiM Design For mmWave Applications — Advanced RF Front-End Design Flows From Concept To Signoff

System requirements for broad bandwidth, millimeter-wave (mmWave) spectrum, phased arrays, and integrated antennas and front-ends are evolving. The challenge for engineers will be achieving the cost, size, and performance requirements that will make these products commercially viable. All these factors align to drive next-generation component integration, which includes embedding the antenna wi... » read more

5G Chips Add Test Challenges

The advent of chips supporting millimeter-wave (mmWave) 5G signals is creating a new set of design and testing challenges. Effects that could be ignored at lower frequencies are now important. Performing high-volume test of RF chips will require much more from automated test equipment (ATE) than is required for chips operating below 6 GHz. “MmWave design is a pretty old thing,” said Y... » read more

Smart Home Device Communication In The Era Of Hyperconnectivity

In our increasingly hyperconnected world, a fascinating area to watch is what I would call "the last 100 feet, give or take." There are many standards like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, or Thread used for IoT device connectivity. There are very active discussions about how our smart devices should be allowed to talk to other resources, like our neighbor's Wi-Fi. In the IoT's municipal and industria... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: June 22

5G metasurface antennas At the recent 2021 IEEE 71st Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), the Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) presented a paper on a low-profile broadband metasurface antenna for 5G antenna-in-package applications. The National Center for Advanced Packaging and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences also contri... » read more

Geopolitical And Economic Outlook For Chips And Equipment

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss geopolitical and economic changes and how they affect the chip industry with Jean-Christophe Eloy, CEO of Yole Developpement; Risto Puhakka, president of VLSI Research; Carolyn Evans, chief economist at Intel; Duncan Meldrum, chief economist at Hilltop Economics; and Rozalia Beica, head of the semiconductor business at AT&S... » read more

3 Technologies That Will Challenge Test

As chips are deployed in more complex systems and with new technologies, it's not clear exactly what chipmakers and systems vendors will be testing. The standard tests for voltage, temperature and electrical throughput still will be needed, of course. But that won't be sufficient to ensure that sensor fusion, machine learning, or millimeter wave 5/6G will be functioning properly. Each of tho... » read more

Big Changes Ahead For Connected Vehicles

Carmakers are reworking their electronic architectures so they can tap into a growing number of external services and internal options, similar to the way a data center taps into various services over its internal network. In the past, this has been largely confined to internal services such as on-board Internet connectivity, and external traffic routing and music. The current vision is to g... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: May 25

5G energy harvesting Researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology propose a way to harvest power for IoT devices using 5G networks. The team's device uses a flexible Rotman lens-based rectifying antenna (rectenna) system capable of millimeter-wave harvesting in the 28-GHz band. “With this innovation, we can have a large antenna, which works at higher frequencies and can receive power fr... » read more

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