Effective Monitoring, Test, and Repair of Multi-Die Designs

Despite clear advantages, there are numerous new challenges that need to be addressed for successful multi-die realization. The multi-die test challenges include: Bare chiplet level (pre-bond) Probe, dedicated/functional pads for test Test, diagnosis, and repair Interconnects (mid/post-bond) Die-to-die test access Lane test, diagnosis, and repair Multi-die ... » read more

Overview of Test Strategies for 3DICs

A new technical paper titled "Design-for-Test Solutions for 3D Integrated Circuits" was published by researchers at Duke University, Arizona State University, and NVIDIA. Abstract: "As Moore's Law approaches its limits, 3D integrated circuits (ICs) have emerged as promising alternatives to conventional scaling methodologies. However, the benefits of 3D integration in terms of lower power co... » read more

Integration Hurdles For Analog And RF In Next-Gen Packages

A rapid increase in wireless connectivity and more sensors, coupled with a shift away from monolithic SoCs toward heterogeneous integration, is driving up the amount of analog/RF content in systems and changing the dynamics within a package. Since the early 2000s, the majority of chips used at the most advanced nodes were systems-on-chip (SoCs). All features had to fit into a single planar S... » read more

DRAM Test And Inspection Just Gets Tougher

DRAM manufacturers continue to demand cost-effective solutions for screening and process improvement amid growing concerns over defects and process variability, but meeting that demand is becoming much more difficult with the rollout of faster interfaces and multi-chip packages. DRAM plays a key role in a wide variety of electronic devices, from phones and PCs to ECUs in cars and servers ins... » read more

Journey From Cell-Aware To Device-Aware Testing Begins

Early results of using device-aware testing on alternative memories show expanded test coverage, but this is just the start. Once the semiconductor industry realized that it was suffering from device failures even when test programs achieved 100% fault coverage, it went about addressing this disconnect between the way defects manifest themselves inside devices and the commonly used fault mod... » read more

From Known Good Die To Known Good System With UCIe IP

Multi-die systems are made up of several specialized functional dies (or chiplets) that are assembled in the same package to create the complete system. Multi-die systems have recently emerged as a solution to overcome the slowing down of Moore’s law by providing a path to scaling functionality in the packaged chip in a way that is manufacturable with good yield. Additionally, multi-die sy... » read more

Optimizing Scan Test For Complex ICs

As chips become more heterogeneous with more integrated functionality, testing them presents increasing challenges — particularly for high-speed system-on-chip (SoC) designs with limited test pin availability. In addition, the complexity of emerging packages like 3D and chiplets necessitates comprehensive new solutions that can provide faster results at multiple stages in the silicon lifec... » read more

Designing For In-Circuit Monitors

In every application space the semiconductor ecosystem touches, in-circuit monitors and sensors are playing an increasing role in silicon lifecycle management and concepts around reliability and resiliency — both during design as well as in the field. The combination of true system-level design, in/on-chip monitors, and improved data analysis are expected to drastically improve reliability... » read more

Test Challenges Mount As Demands For Reliability Increase

An emphasis of improving semiconductor quality is beginning to spread well beyond just data centers and automotive applications, where ICs play a role in mission- and safety-critical applications. But this focus on improved reliability is ratcheting up pressure throughout the test community, from lab to fab and into the field, in products where transistor density continues to grow — and wh... » read more

The 5G mmWave Commercialization Effort Is Underway

By David Vondran and Rodrigo Carrillo-Ramirez 5G broadband cellular technology entered its first major rollout phase in 2019. In recent years, 5G adoption has been very visible among the consumer electronics industry, with 5G capabilities now being a key selling point for mid-tier to high-end mobile devices. Behind the scenes, however, there have been a number of developments designed to ... » read more

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