Automotive Relationships Shifting With Chiplets

The automotive industry is in the midst of a tremendous and rapid change on many fronts. OEMs are exploring new functions and features to add to their vehicles, including chiplets, electrification, autonomous features, as well as new vehicle architectures that will determine how vehicles are going to be designed from the foundation up. All of this is dependent on the relationships between all o... » read more

Chips Getting More Secure, But Not Quickly Enough

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to talk about the impact of heterogeneous integration, more advanced RISC-V designs, and a growing awareness of security threats, with Mike Borza, Synopsys scientist; John Hallman, product manager for trust and security at Siemens EDA; Pete Hardee, group director for product management at Cadence; Paul Karazuba, vice president of marketin... » read more

From Known Good Die To Known Good System With UCIe IP

Multi-die systems are made up of several specialized functional dies (or chiplets) that are assembled in the same package to create the complete system. Multi-die systems have recently emerged as a solution to overcome the slowing down of Moore’s law by providing a path to scaling functionality in the packaged chip in a way that is manufacturable with good yield. Additionally, multi-die sy... » read more

Optimizing Scan Test For Complex ICs

As chips become more heterogeneous with more integrated functionality, testing them presents increasing challenges — particularly for high-speed system-on-chip (SoC) designs with limited test pin availability. In addition, the complexity of emerging packages like 3D and chiplets necessitates comprehensive new solutions that can provide faster results at multiple stages in the silicon lifec... » read more

Data Analytics For The Chiplet Era

This article is based on a paper presented at SEMICON Japan 2022. Moore’s Law has provided the semiconductor industry’s marching orders for device advancement over the past five decades. Chipmakers were successful in continually finding ways to shrink the transistor, which enabled fitting more circuits into a smaller space while keeping costs down. Today, however, Moore’s Law is slowin... » read more

Data Leakage Becoming Bigger Issue For Chipmakers

Data leakage is becoming more difficult to stop or even trace as chips become increasingly complex and heterogeneous, and as more data is stored and utilized by chipmakers for other designs. Unlike a cyberattack, which typically is done for a specific purpose, such as collecting private data or holding a system ransom, data leaks can spring up anywhere. And as the value of data increases, th... » read more

Data-Centric Reconfigurable Array Chiplets (Princeton)

A technical paper titled "Massive Data-Centric Parallelism in the Chiplet Era" was published by researchers at Princeton University. Abstract: "Traditionally, massively parallel applications are executed on distributed systems, where computing nodes are distant enough that the parallelization schemes must minimize communication and synchronization to achieve scalability. Mapping communica... » read more

Chiplets: More Standards Needed

Recent months have seen new advances in chiplet standardization. For example, consortia such as Bunch of Wires (BoW) and Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe) have made progress in developing standards for die-to-die (D2D) interfaces in a chiplet’s design. Far from being a new phenomenon in communication, these types of standards are established for all forms of wired and wireless com... » read more

Thermal Integrity Challenges Grow In 2.5D

Thermal integrity is becoming much harder to predict accurately in 2.5D and 3D-IC, creating a cascade of issues that can affect everything from how a system behaves to reliability in the field. Over the past decade, silicon interposer technology has evolved from a simple interconnect into a critical enabler for heterogeneous integration. Interposers today may contain tens of dies or chiplets... » read more

Design Considerations and Recent Advancements in Chiplets (UC Berkeley/ Peking University)

A new technical paper titled "Automated Design of Chiplets" was published by researchers at UC Berkeley and Peking University. Abstract: "Chiplet-based designs have gained recognition as a promising alternative to monolithic SoCs due to their lower manufacturing costs, improved re-usability, and optimized technology specialization. Despite progress made in various related domains, the des... » read more

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