Data Leakage In Heterogeneous Systems

Semiconductor Engineering sat down with Paul Chou, senior director of security architecture at NVIDIA, to discuss data leakage in heterogeneous designs. What follows are excerpts of that one-on-one interview, which was held in front of a live audience at the conference. SE: We think about hardware in terms of a chip, but increasingly there is data moving through different systems... » read more

Data, System Reliability, and Privacy

Experts at the Table: Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss changes in test that address tracing device quality throughout a product’s lifetime, and over-arching concerns about data ownership and privacy, with Tom Katsioulas, CEO at Archon Design Solutions and U.S. Department of Commerce IoT advisory board member; Ming Zhang, vice president of R&D Acceleration at PDF Solutions; a... » read more

Training a ML model On An Intelligent Edge Device Using Less Than 256KB Memory

A new technical paper titled "On-Device Training Under 256KB Memory" was published by researchers at MIT and MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab. “Our study enables IoT devices to not only perform inference but also continuously update the AI models to newly collected data, paving the way for lifelong on-device learning. The low resource utilization makes deep learning more accessible and can have a bro... » read more

Telecare Challenges: Secure, Reliable, Lower Power

The adoption of telecare using a variety of connected digital devices is opening the door to much more rapid response to medical emergencies, as well as more consistent monitoring, but it also is adding new challenges involving connectivity, security, and power consumption. Telecare has been on the horizon for the better part of two decades, but it really began ramping with improvements in s... » read more

Hyperconnectivity’s Impact On Consumers

Do you know what hyperconnectivity is? It is already affecting you, whether you know it or not. Hyperscalers are the companies like AWS, Google, and Microsoft that build and run those enormous (aka hyperscale) data centers. If you are a designer and use the cloud, then you have at least a vague idea of what data centers are being used to handle your design. But even if you are the generic perso... » read more

CISO’s Guide To Sensitive Data Protection

Emerging data protection and privacy laws are causing organizations to scramble to implement strategies that address regulatory compliance and data security governance. And the SolarWinds software supply chain attack, in which attackers inserted a malicious back door into its network software release that later led to sensitive data exposure, further underscores the need to secure the DevSecOps... » read more

System Bits: Nov. 6

Keeping data private To preserve privacy during data collection from the Internet, Stanford University researchers have developed a new technique that maintains personal privacy given that the many devices part of our daily lives collect information about how we use them. Stanford computer scientists Dan Boneh and Henry Corrigan-Gibbs created the Prio method for keeping collected data priva... » read more