Dangerous Electricity

Electricity to the modern age is as indispensible as air, but too much can be a bad thing for automotive and aerospace applications—especially when it is in the form of electrostatic discharge (ESD). As chips advance to 28nm, 20nm and 16nm, the design window for electrostatic discharge is shrinking for a number of reasons, explained Norman Chang is vice president and senior product strategis... » read more

Verifying Your Intent

Design rule checking (DRC), layout versus schematic (LVS) and electrical rule checking (ERC) are physical verification techniques that are mandatory today to check a design and its structures before manufacturing. Checking electrical characteristics of a design is one thing. Verifying power intent is quite another. And the overlap of the two is an intriguing concept. Case in point: Checking fo... » read more

Good Times For Analog Designers

By Ann Steffora Mutschler For a number of technological reasons, analog/mixed-signal design and low-power design are converging, and with that comes both challenges and opportunities. As far as challenges go, process variations at 14nm, 20nm and even 28nm have increased significantly to include DFM impacts such as layout-delay effects. On the digital side, those process changes affect... » read more

New Reliability Issues

By Arvind Shanmugavel Reliability of ICs is a topic of growing concern with every technology node migration. With the onset of the 20nm process node from different foundries, reliability verification has taken center stage in design kits—and for good reason. Reliability margins have continued to decrease and have reached an inflection point at the 20nm node. The design and EDA communities ha... » read more

Tech Talk: Power Issues Ahead

Aveek Sarkar, vice president of technology and support at ANSYS Apache, talks with Low-Power Engineering about growing concerns over electrostatic discharge, electromigration, the impact of stacked die, and the need for power and thermal models. [youtube vid=-7TtszsuZP0] » read more

Old Problem, New Solutions

By Ann Steffora Mutschler Electromigration (EM) and electrostatic discharge (ESD) may not be new, but design design sophistication and tiny wires are demanding that engineering teams take a fresh look and utilize new tools to lesson the impacts of damaging electrical events. “These are certainly not new phenomenon,” said Carey Robertson, director of product marketing for Calibre at Ment... » read more

No More Netlist Hacking

By Ann Steffora Mutschler Prior to availability of advanced physical verification tools, it was not uncommon for engineering teams to hack netlists. It sounds very clandestine, but was done out of the need to get detailed information on particular areas of the chip suspected to be a problem. Performing electrical rules checks (ERC) to improve the correctness and reliability of IC designs b... » read more

Changes In The Ecosystem

By Ed Sperling For the better part of two decades, semiconductor companies have been talking about ecosystems mostly for marketing and economic reasons. They’re now talking thinking about ecosystems for complex technology reasons that involve integrated models for power, transactions and manufacturability. In the late 1990s, IBM began assembling its own loose ecosystem as a way of shieldi... » read more

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