Safety Islands In Safety-Critical Hardware

Safety and security have certain aspects in common so it shouldn’t be surprising that some ideas evolving in one domain find echoes in the other. In hardware design, a significant trend has been to push security-critical functions into a hardware root-of-trust (HRoT) core, following a philosophy of putting all (or most) of those functions in one basket and watching that basket very carefully.... » read more

Traceability Of Functional Safety Requirements In Automotive IP And SoCs

By Shivakumar Chonnad, Vladimir Litovtchenko, and Rohit Bhardwaj Developing functional safety systems, including all the components such as the system-on-chip (SoC) and IP, hinges on the ability to meet the stringent automotive functional safety requirements such as definition, implementation, verification, and validation. Depending on the Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL), the functi... » read more

Service Revenue Growing With Chip Complexity

Rising complexity, new markets, and a shortage of in-house expertise are beginning to rekindle demand for services for the first time in nearly a decade. The semiconductor industry has been racing to design chips for a variety of new and existing applications, but they are facing challenges on a number of fronts: Leading-edge chips require new architectures due to a sharp reduction in s... » read more

Optima Design Launches, Focuses On Functional Safety

Autonomous driving is really happening. "Although a concept and dream for many automotive enthusiasts and engineers since the 1950s, now it's really happening," asserted Jamil Mazzawi, founder and CEO of Optima Design, which launched today. “At the same time, everybody knows that if we continue to have accidents, like the Tesla accident or the Uber accident, this will not work. People will... » read more

Functional Safety Implementation Goes Mainstream

Electronics engineers are being thrust into the automotive market like never before. The move to electrify automobiles, along with the advent of self-driving cars, means that silicon designers will be designing ever more sophisticated automotive ICs. But cars aren’t like most other electronic systems; it’s imperative that they cause no harm should they fail. This brings us to the realm o... » read more

Coordinating Automotive Embedded Software Development Requires A Unified Approach

The rising intelligence and connectivity of vehicles are making the interactions between software and physical systems more complex, exposing the deficiencies of current processes, tools and methods. To compete in the technological race for the future of mobility, companies must evolve their software development processes today. A common digital thread connecting software and physical systems t... » read more

In-System Networks Are Front And Center

This year’s HotChips conference at Stanford was all about artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) and what particularly struck me, naturally because we’re in this business too, was how big a role on-chip networks played in some of the leading talks. NVIDIA talked about their scalable mesh architecture, both on-chip and in-package, meshes connecting processing NN processing el... » read more

Autonomous Vehicles Are Reshaping The Tech World

The effort to build cars that can drive themselves is reshaping the automotive industry and its supply chain, impacting everything from who defines safety to how to ensure quality and reliability. Automakers, which hardly knew the names of their silicon suppliers a couple of years ago, are now banding together in small groups to share the costs and solve technical challenges that are well be... » read more

Challenges To Building Level 5 Automotive Chips

It’s an exciting time in the automotive space, and this is especially true when it comes to all of the activity around autonomous driving and the path to achieving full Level 5 autonomy. The technology is complex, the ecosystem seems to get more complex by the day, and simulating autonomous systems safely makes this an extremely fascinating area from an engineering perspective. At the heart o... » read more

Is Your Functional Safety An Afterthought?

Imagine the air bag in your car not inflating during a collision or deploying without a crash during driving! These are two of the failure modes associated with the air bag in your car, none of which you as a driver have any control over. The severity of both these failures is of course very high, but which one would you rate as a higher hazard? The probability of getting into an accident is lo... » read more

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