Tech Talk: 4K Screen Design

Hezi Saar, MIPI IP product manager at Synopsys, talks about how to design high-resolution displays for mobile devices and what can go wrong. [youtube vid=rQKNM0CABM0] » read more

Poised For Aspect-Oriented Design?

In 1992, [getperson id=" 11046 " comment="Yoav Hollander"] had the idea to take a software programming discipline called aspect-oriented programming (AOP) and apply it to the verification of hardware. Those concepts were incorporated into the [gettech id="31021" t_name="e"] language and [getentity id="22068" e_name="Verisity"] was formed to commercialize it. Hollander had seen that using obj... » read more

Using Automotive-Ready IP To Accelerate SoC Development

IP suppliers play a key role in the automotive supply chain to enable high-performance advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) SoCs. Vision-based SoCs may contain a high amount of third-party IP to implement the key embedded vision, sensor fusion, multimedia, security and advanced connectivity functions. And while IP suppliers have permeated the semiconductor ecosystem for consumer, mobile, PC... » read more

Executive Insight: Aart de Geus

Aart de Geus, chairman and co-CEO of Synopsys, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about acquisitions, software and EDA. What follows are excerpts of that interview, which was conducted in front of a live audience at DAC. SE: A lot of Synopsys' investments are moving in a new direction, namely software. Why is that becoming so important to your company? De Geus: It's not a dif... » read more

How IoE Will Alter Supply Chains

Globalization is a double-edged sword. Without a doubt, it nourishes competition, offers a plethora of independent sources, and bounty of supplies from a global pool of vendors. That is the good side. The downside is that control becomes a management nightmare. Well-oiled, traditional supply chains systems will have to be redesigned to function across a variety of variables that can interrupt t... » read more

Cryptography For ULP Devices

Soon virtually everything and everyone will be connected to the IoE in one fashion or another, and much of it will be wireless. To make it all work, these wireless, and low-power devices will need a new paradigm for handling cryptography. Ultra-low power devices have an interesting, and challenging set of metrics. There are, in general, two approaches that can work, with a variety of sub-sce... » read more

The Future Of Moore’s Law

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss the future of Moore's Law with Jan Rabaey, Donald O. Pederson distinguished professor at [getentity id="22165" comment="UC Berkeley"]; Lucio Lanza, managing director of Lanza techVentures; Subramani Kengeri, vice president of advanced technology architecture at [getentity id="22819" comment="GlobalFoundries"]; Charlie Cheng, CEO of [getentity id="2... » read more

Who’s Calling The Shots

Throughout the PC era and well into the mobile phone market, it was semiconductor companies that called the shots while OEMs followed their lead and designed systems around chips. That’s no longer the case. A shift has been underway over the past half decade, and continuing even now, to reverse that trend. The OEM — or systems company as it is more commonly called today — now determine... » read more

Which Process, Material, IP?

For years chipmakers have been demanding more choices. They've finally gotten what they wished for—so many possibilities, in fact, that engineering teams of all types are having trouble wading through them. And to make matters worse, some choices now come with unexpected and often unwanted caveats. At the most advanced nodes it's a given that being able to shrink features and double patter... » read more

7 Ways to Assess Semiconductor IP Quality

Design teams today are struggling with the quality of semiconductor intellectual property. These teams want first-pass success for SoC creation, but that is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve—especially with highly configurable IP. Yet the more configurable the IP is, the more desirable it is as a differentiator. And if not developed correctly, it may be even more risky than non-confi... » read more

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