RL-Guided Detailed Routing Framework for Advanced Custom Circuits

A technical paper titled "Reinforcement Learning Guided Detailed Routing for Custom Circuits" was published by researchers at UT Austin, Princeton University, and NVIDIA. "This paper presents a novel detailed routing framework for custom circuits that leverages deep reinforcement learning to optimize routing patterns while considering custom routing constraints and industrial design rules. C... » read more

Managing Water Supplies With Machine Learning

From wet benches to cooling systems, fabs use vast amounts of water — millions of gallons per day at a typical foundry. In this era of climate change, though, water supplies are becoming less reliable and municipal water systems are becoming more restrictive. For example, local utilities might restrict a fab’s ability to draw from the public water supply, or might supply only treated wastew... » read more

Machine Vision Plus AI/ML Adds Vast New Opportunities

Traditional technology companies and startups are racing to combine machine vision with AI/ML, enabling it to "see" far more than just pixel data from sensors, and opening up new opportunities across a wide swath of applications. In recent years, startups have been able to raise billions of dollars as new MV ideas come to light in markets ranging from transportation and manufacturing to heal... » read more

GDDR6 Delivers The Performance For AI/ML Inference

AI/ML is evolving at a lightning pace. Not a week goes by right now without some new and exciting developments in the field, and applications like ChatGPT have brought generative AI capabilities firmly to the forefront of public attention. AI/ML is really two applications: training and inference. Each relies on memory performance, and each has a unique set of requirements that drive the choi... » read more

Making Tradeoffs With AI/ML/DL

Machine learning, deep learning, and AI increasingly are being used in chip design, and they are being used to design chips that are optimized for ML/DL/AI. The challenge is understanding the tradeoffs on both sides, both of which are becoming increasingly complex and intertwined. On the design side, machine learning has been viewed as just another tool in the design team's toolbox. That's s... » read more

Optimizing Scan Test For Complex ICs

As chips become more heterogeneous with more integrated functionality, testing them presents increasing challenges — particularly for high-speed system-on-chip (SoC) designs with limited test pin availability. In addition, the complexity of emerging packages like 3D and chiplets necessitates comprehensive new solutions that can provide faster results at multiple stages in the silicon lifec... » read more

From Data Center To End Device: AI/ML Inference With GDDR6

Created to support 3D gaming on consoles and PCs, GDDR packs performance that makes it an ideal solution for AI/ML inference. As inference migrates from the heart of the data center to the network edge, and ultimately to a broad range of AI-powered IoT devices, GDDR memory’s combination of high bandwidth, low latency, power efficiency and suitability for high-volume applications will be incre... » read more

Nightmare Fuel: The Hazards Of ML Hardware Accelerators

A major design challenge facing numerous silicon design teams in 2023 is building the right amount of machine learning (ML) performance capability into today’s silicon tape out in anticipation of what the state of the art (SOTA) ML inference models will look like in 2026 and beyond when that silicon will be used in devices in volume production. Given the continuing rapid rate of change in mac... » read more

Getting Smarter About Tool Maintenance

Chipmakers have begun to shift to predictive maintenance for process tools, but the hefty investment in analytics and engineering efforts means it will take some time for smart maintenance to become a widespread practice. Semiconductor manufacturers need to maintain a diverse set of equipment to process the flow of wafers, dies, packaged parts, and boards running through factories. OSAT and ... » read more

AI Benchmarks Are Broken

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is shaping up to be one of the most revolutionary technologies of our time. By now you’ve probably heard that AI’s impact will transform entire industries, from healthcare to finance to entertainment, delivering us richer products, streamlined experiences, and augment human productivity, creativity, and leisure. Even non-technologists are getting a glimpse of... » read more

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