Power Delivery Challenges in 3D HI CIM Architectures for AI Accelerators (Georgia Tech)

A new technical paper titled "Co-Optimization of Power Delivery Network Design for 3D Heterogeneous Integration of RRAM-based Compute In-Memory Accelerators" was published by researchers at Georgia Tech. Abstract: "3D heterogeneous integration (3D HI) offers promising solutions for incorporating substantial embedded memory into cutting-edge analog compute-in-memory (CIM) AI accelerators, ad... » read more

Impact of Finite Interconnect Impedance Including Spatial and Domain Comparison of PDN Characterization

Abstract Over the past few decades, a lot of details have been worked out in power distribution network design, simulation and measurement. We have well-established PDN design procedures both in the frequency and time domains, we have simulation tools that can analyze the physical structure from DC to very high frequencies, including spatial variations of the behavior, and we also have fre... » read more

Delivering On Power During HPC Test

The industry’s insatiable need for power in high-performance computing (HPC) is creating problems for test cells, which need to deliver very high currents at very consistent voltage levels through the power delivery network (PDN). In response, ATE, wafer probe, and contactor vendors are introducing some innovative approaches and test procedures that can ensure robust power delivery to ATE pro... » read more

Unlocking PPA Benefits of Backside Routing

The power delivery network (PDN) is a critical part of any modern semiconductor device. Even with advanced power-saving technologies, today’s chips are hungry for power. Traditionally, power is distributed through metal layers on the same side of the substrate as the signal metal layers. This creates competition for the available layers and pushes the limits of fabrication technology to add m... » read more

3D Connection Artifacts In PDN Measurements

Authors: Ethan Koether, Amazon; Kristoffer Skytte, John Phillips, Shirin Farrahi, Cadence; Joseph Hartman, Oracle; Sammy Hindi, Ampere Computing Inc.; Mario Rotigni, STMicroelectronics; Gustavo Blando, Istvan Novak, Samtec From a simulation stand-point, we have covered several important topics that users must consider in detail to get accurate low frequency simulation results. We investigate... » read more

Distributed Batteries Within A Heterogeneous 3D IC To Optimize Performance

A technical paper titled “On-Chip Batteries as Distributed Energy Sources in Heterogeneous 2.5D/3D Integrated Circuits” was published by researchers at University of Florida and Brookhaven National Laboratory. Abstract: "Energy efficiency in digital systems faces challenges due to the constraints imposed by small-scale transistors. Moreover, the growing demand for portable consumer electr... » read more

System Level Power Integrity Verification For Multi-Core Microprocessors With FIVR

A technical paper titled "A Compressed Multivariate Macromodeling Framework for Fast Transient Verification of System-Level Power Delivery Networks" was published by researchers at Politecnico di Torino and Intel Corporation. Abstract: This paper discusses a reduced-order modeling and simulation approach for fast transient power integrity verification at full system level. The reference str... » read more

Design Considerations For Ultra-High Current Power Delivery Networks

This article is adapted from a presentation at TestConX, March 5-8, 2023, Mesa, AZ. A power-delivery network (PDN), also called a power-distribution network, is a localized network that delivers power from voltage-regulator modules (VRMs) throughout a load board to the package’s chip pads or wafer’s die pads. The PDN includes the VRM itself, all bulk and localized capacitance, board vi... » read more

Stitching Together A Multi-Layer PCB PDN

A printed circuit board (PCB) is much like a complicated city, with a myriad of intertwined pathways for data signals and power. To meet the electric current needs of modern, high-powered integrated circuits (ICs), the power distribution network (PDN) usually consists of wide power planes on multiple layers to provide a low-resistance path for power delivery. These planes are stitched together ... » read more

Covert Channel Between the CPU and An FPGA By Modulating The Usage of the Power Distribution Network

A new technical paper titled "CPU to FPGA Power Covert Channel in FPGA-SoCs" was published by researchers at TU Munich and Fraunhofer Research Institution AISEC. Abstract: "FPGA-SoCs are a popular platform for accelerating a wide range of applications due to their performance and flexibility. From a security point of view, these systems have been shown to be vulnerable to various attacks... » read more

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