Systems & Design

3D Connection Artifacts In PDN Measurements

A method for using simulation results to post-process measurements to remove coupling inherent in a launch structure from the two-port probe measurement methodology.


Authors: Ethan Koether, Amazon; Kristoffer Skytte, John Phillips, Shirin Farrahi, Cadence; Joseph Hartman, Oracle; Sammy Hindi, Ampere Computing Inc.; Mario Rotigni, STMicroelectronics; Gustavo Blando, Istvan Novak, Samtec

From a simulation stand-point, we have covered several important topics that users must consider in detail to get accurate low frequency simulation results. We investigated solver and mesh topics, variable sensitivity, and what to expect regarding the low frequency results. We showed that good correlation can be achieved between simulation and measurement for several cases. Using a simple copper sheet helped generate several learnings related to the behavior of the transfer impedance and plane current distribution. Finally, we have established a methodology for using simulation results to post-process measurements in order to remove coupling inherent in a launch structure from the two-port probe measurement methodology. Several points were highlighted in the paper where further investigations would be beneficial.

We achieved a substantial improvement in power-rail inductance correlation for a BGA pinfield by analyzing the contributors to the errors.

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