True 3D Is Much Tougher Than 2.5D

Creating real 3D designs is proving to be much more complex and difficult than 2.5D, requiring significant innovation in both technology and tools. While there has been much discussion about 3D designs, there are multiple interpretations about what 3D entails. This is more than just semantics, however, because each packaging option requires different design approaches and technologies. And a... » read more

The Race Toward Mixed-Foundry Chiplets

Creating chiplets with as much flexibility as possible has captured the imagination of the semiconductor ecosystem, but how heterogeneous integration of chiplets from different foundries will play out remains unclear. Many companies in the semiconductor ecosystem are still figuring out how they will fit into this heterogeneous chiplet world and what issues they will need to solve. While near... » read more

System-on-Chip Design In The Cloud: One Size Does Not Fit All

At an increasing pace, companies in the semiconductor ecosystem have started seriously considering the cloud for computing and storage. Some have migrated, and others are evaluating the cloud technology choices and are sizing the business impact and benefits to make the leap. Through key adoption reports, the cloud environment is proving to be beneficial for System-on-Chip (SoC) designers by pr... » read more

Managing EDA’s Rapid Growth Expectations

The EDA industry has been doing very well recently, but how long this run will continue is a matter of debate. EDA is an industry ripe for disruption due to rapid changes in chip architectures, end markets, and a long list of new technologies. In addition, recent geopolitical tensions are bringing a lot more attention to this small sector upon which the whole semiconductor industry rests. De... » read more

A Hierarchical And Tractable Mixed-Signal Verification Methodology For First-Generation Analog AI Processors

Artificial intelligence (AI) is now the key driving force behind advances in information technology, big data and the internet of things (IoT). It is a technology that is developing at a rapid pace, particularly when it comes to the field of deep learning. Researchers are continually creating new variants of deep learning that expand the capabilities of machine learning. But building systems th... » read more

Blog Review: March 22

Siemens EDA's Dan Yu warns that the unavailability of verification data is slowing down the development of advanced machine learning for verification, with valuable data assets either siloed among different team members or projects or simply discarded due to the lack of analytic techniques to extract value from them. Synopsys' Richard Solomon and Dana Neustadter point to the need for hardwar... » read more

Blog Review: March 15

Siemens EDA's Dan Yu finds that high-quality, well-connected mass data are crucial to the success of applying machine learning to verification and recommends teams pivot to a data-centric workflow. Synopsys' Shankar Krishnamoorthy suggests that deploying AI-driven chip design and verification can free teams from iterative work, letting them focus instead on product differentiation and PPA en... » read more

Deep Learning (DL) Applications In Photomask To Wafer Semiconductor Manufacturing

Published by the eBeam Initiative Member Companies (February 2023), this list of artificial intelligence (AI) systems used by member companies in their semiconductor manufacturing products shows progress. New examples of systems using AI include: image processing and parameter tuning in lithography tool mask metrology system B-SPline Control Point generation tool sem... » read more

Self-Heating Issues Spread

With every new node there are additional physical effects that must be considered, but not all of them are of the same level of criticality. One that is being mentioned more frequently is self-heating. All devices consume power and when they do that, it becomes heat. "In essence, all active devices generate heat as carriers move, creating channels for current to pass through the gates," says... » read more

Uneven Circuit Aging Becoming A Bigger Problem

Circuit aging is emerging as a first-order design challenge as engineering teams look for new ways to improve reliability and ensure the functionality of chips throughout their expected lifetimes. The need for reliability is obvious in data centers and automobiles, where a chip failure could result in downtime or injury. It also is increasingly important in mobile and consumer electronics, w... » read more

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