LLE-Aware Design Methodology To Avoid Timing And Power Pessimism

As chips move to ever-finer geometries, the active region (diffusion) shapes of neighboring cells can impact timing analysis and power calculations for the entire design. The LLE (Local Layout Effect) impact must be measured, but the impact is reflected very conservatively using conventional approaches. This paper describes a LLE-aware design methodology that mitigates the conservatism of co... » read more

Automated Late Stage Timing-Aware Dynamic Voltage Drop ECO

One of the never-ending frustrations for electrical engineers is having to deal with counterproductive real-world effects that they wish would just go away. Examples include switch bounce, metastability, and contact resistance. For IC designers, dynamic voltage drop (DVD), also known as IR drop, is one of those unfortunate facts of the profession. There’s no way to avoid it; every trace and w... » read more

On-Chip Power Distribution Modeling Becomes Essential Below 7nm

Modeling power distribution in SoCs is becoming increasingly important at each new node and in 3D-ICs, where tolerances involving power are much tighter and any mistake can cause functional failures. At mature nodes, where there is more metal, power problems continue to be rare. But at advanced nodes, where chips are running at higher frequencies and still consuming the same or greater power... » read more

Closing The Post-Silicon Timing Analysis Gap

Accurate static timing analysis is one of the most important steps in the development of advanced node semiconductor devices. Performance numbers are included in chip and system specifications from the earliest marketing requirements. The architects and designers carefully determine clock cycle times that can achieve the required performance using the chosen high-level architecture, micro-archi... » read more

Timing Challenges In The Age Of AI Hardware

In recent years, we have seen a clear market trend towards dedicated integrated circuits (ASICs) that are much more efficient in performance and energy consumption than traditional general-purpose computers for processing AI workloads. These AI accelerators harden deep learning algorithm kernels into circuits, enable higher data ingestion bandwidth with local memory, and perform massively paral... » read more

Thermal Impact On Reliability At 7/5nm

Haroon Chaudhri, director of RedHawk Analysis Fusion at Synopsys, talks about why thermal analysis is shifting left in the design cycle and why this is so critical at the most advanced process nodes. https://youtu.be/wjkrEFLb2vY » read more

Hierarchical Timing Analysis: Pros, Cons, And A New Approach

As digital semiconductor designs continue to grow larger, designers are looking to hierarchical methodologies to help alleviate huge runtimes. This approach allows designers to select and time certain blocks of logic, generating results more quickly and with fewer memory resources. However, these benefits come at the cost of accuracy. This paper covers the pros and cons of different hierarchica... » read more

Timing Bomb

By Ed Sperling Timing closure, a basic operation in chip design and development, is becoming anything but basic at advanced process nodes. Systematic variability that was at least predictable at 90nm has become random at 45nm. Tools that worked fine with two corner cases now have to deal with hundreds. And as more functions make their way onto a single die, often with multiple modes of oper... » read more