Index-Based Multi-Core BDD Package With Dynamic Memory Management & Reduced Fragmentation

A technical paper titled "EDDY: A Multi-Core BDD Package with Dynamic Memory Management and Reduced Fragmentation" was published by researchers at University of Bremen. ABSTRACT "In recent years, hardware systems have significantly grown in complexity. Due to the increasing complexity, there is a need to continuously improve the quality of the hardware design process. This leads designers t... » read more

TU Dresden: Tile-based Multi-Core Architecture for Heterogeneous RISC-V Processors Suitable for FPGA Platforms

New technical paper titled "AGILER: An Adaptive Heterogeneous Tile-Based Many-Core Architecture for RISC-V Processors" from researchers at Technische Universitaet Dresden (TU Dresden). Partial Abstract: "In this work, AGILER is proposed as an adaptive tile-base many-core architecture for heterogeneous RISC-V based processors. The proposed architecture consists of modular and adaptable heter... » read more

Arms Race In Chip Performance

An AI arms race is taking shape across continents. While this is perilous on many fronts, it could provide a massive boost for the chip technology—and help to solve a long-simmering problem in computing, as well as lots of lesser ones. The U.S. government this week announced its AI Initiative, joining an international scramble for the fastest way to do multiply/accumulate and come up with ... » read more

The Rise Of Parallelism

Parallel computing is an idea whose time has finally come, but not for the obvious reasons. Parallelism is a computer science concept that is older Moore's Law. In fact, it first appeared in print in a 1958 IBM research memo, in which John Cocke, a mathematician, and Daniel Slotnick, a computer scientist, discussed parallelism in numerical calculations. That was followed eight years later by... » read more

Neural Net Computing Explodes

Neural networking with advanced parallel processing is beginning to take root in a number of markets ranging from predicting earthquakes and hurricanes to parsing MRI image datasets in order to identify and classify tumors. As this approach gets implemented in more places, it is being customized and parsed in ways that many experts never envisioned. And it is driving new research into how el... » read more

Heterogeneous Multi-Core Headaches

Cache coherency is becoming more pervasive—and more problematic—as the number of heterogeneous cores used in designs continues to rise. Cache coherency is an extension of caching, which has been around since the 1970s. The notion of a cache has a long history of being utilized to speed up a computer's main memory without adding expensive new components. Cache coherency's introduction coi... » read more