New Challenges For Connected Vehicles

Connected vehicles are all about convenience and safety. Modern vehicles are connected to the Internet via wireless networks, consumer apps, and infotainment systems, and there is work underway to connect them over 5G to guided driving. But there also are challenges to making all of this work securely, safely, and as expected throughout the expected lifetimes of chips and systems. The goal i... » read more

5G: The Telecommunications Horizon and Homeland Security

Summary "Produced in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) HQ Emerging Technologies Policy team, this horizon scanning report provides information and insight into the future of fifth generation (5G) and sixth generation (6G) networking technologies and the associated impacts to the homeland security enterprise. The measures taken by DHS to manage and secure its networks w... » read more

Research Bits: March 22

Securing wireless communications without encryption Researchers from Princeton University, University of Michigan–Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, and Xi’an Jiaotong University developed a millimeter-wave wireless chip that allows secure wireless transmissions and makes it challenging to eavesdrop on high-frequency wireless transmissions, even with multiple colluding bad acto... » read more

A compact two elements MIMO antenna for 5G communication

Abstract: "This study presents a simple, miniaturized, and low-profile multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna operating at 29 GHz with reduced mutual coupling between the antenna elements for futuristic 5G communication. The proposed design employs two radiating elements with slits in the radiators to produce high isolation among the antenna radiators. The MIMO antenna maintains a compa... » read more

Why Banks Should Be More Worried About Security

At about 10:30 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 5, 2016, Jubail Bin-Huda, a joint director of Bangladesh Bank, and a colleague went to pick up the latest Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) acknowledgement messages from the printer. When they got to the printer, they found nothing had been printed. They restarted the printer manually, but it still didn't work. They had no... » read more

Open RAN Direct RF Sampling Radio Transceiver Architectures For Massive MIMO

With the exponential increase in wireless traffic, mobile networks are transformed into more software-driven, virtualized, flexible, intelligent, and energy efficient systems. These trends have stimulated significant change in the core network with the advent of software defined networks (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV), which have enabled building more agile and less expensive ... » read more

Achieving C-V2X Compliance

Testing the performance of cellular vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) components and subsystems to achieve compliance against evolving 5G test requirements is an ongoing challenge for the connected vehicle market. The global acceptance for the C-V2X technology takes autonomous driving from a shared vision to mass-market reality. C-V2X uses the 3rd Partner Project (3GPP) standard for 4G and 5G mo... » read more

What Will Be The Killer App For 5G? Time To Place Your Bets

5G is here. But where will its capabilities soar first? Here are my guesses for where the breakthroughs could occur along with factors that might hold it back. 1. Supply Chain. The world’s 5,300+ plus cargo ships carry 90% of the world’s freight and can collectively hold 1.97 billion deadweight tons of cargo. 5G—delivered through private networks or secure slices of public networks—c... » read more

Why Data Center Power Will Never Come Down

Data centers have become significant consumers of energy. In order to deal with the proliferation of data centers and the servers within them, there is a big push to reduce the energy consumption of all data center components. With all that effort, will data center power really come down? The answer is no, despite huge improvements in energy efficiency. “Keeping data center power consum... » read more

Power Grids Under Attack

Cyberattacks are becoming as troublesome to the electrical power grid as natural disasters, and the problem is growing worse as these grids become more connected and smarter. Unlike in the past, when a power outage affected just the electricity supplied to homes and businesses, power grids are becoming core elements of smart cities, infrastructure, and safety-related services. Without power,... » read more

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