A novel multimodal hand database for biometric authentication

Abstract "Biometric authentication is one of the most exciting areas in the era of security. Biometric authentication ideally refers to the process of identifying or verifying the user through physiological and behavioral measurements using security processes. Multimodal biometrics are preferred over unimodal biometrics due to the defensive nature of multimodal biometrics. This research intr... » read more

NeuroSim Simulator for Compute-in-Memory Hardware Accelerator: Validation and Benchmark

Abstract:   "Compute-in-memory (CIM) is an attractive solution to process the extensive workloads of multiply-and-accumulate (MAC) operations in deep neural network (DNN) hardware accelerators. A simulator with options of various mainstream and emerging memory technologies, architectures, and networks can be a great convenience for fast early-stage design space exploration of CIM hardw... » read more

Developers Turn To Analog For Neural Nets

Machine-learning (ML) solutions are proliferating across a wide variety of industries, but the overwhelming majority of the commercial implementations still rely on digital logic for their solution. With the exception of in-memory computing, analog solutions mostly have been restricted to universities and attempts at neuromorphic computing. However, that’s starting to change. “Everyon... » read more

Power/Performance Bits: Nov. 17

NVMe controller for research Researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) developed a non-volatile memory express (NVMe) controller for storage devices and made it freely available to universities and research institutions in a bid to reduce research costs. Poor accessibility of NVMe controller IP is hampering academic and industrial research, the team argue... » read more

Neuromorphic Computing Drives The Landscape Of Emerging Memories For Artificial Intelligence SoCs

The pace of deep machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the world of computing at all levels of hardware architecture, software, chip manufacturing, and system packaging. Two major developments have opened the doors to implementing new techniques in machine learning. First, vast amounts of data, i.e., “Big Data,” are available for systems to process. Second, advanced ... » read more

Priorities Shift In IC Design

The rush to the edge and new applications around AI are causing a shift in design strategies toward the highest performance per watt, rather than the highest performance or lowest power. This may sound like hair-splitting, but it has set a scramble in motion around how to process more data more quickly without just relying on faster processors and accelerators. Several factors are driving th... » read more

IP Management And Development At 5/3nm

The growing complexity of moving to new process nodes is making it much more difficult to create, manage and re-use IP. There are more rules, more data to manage, and more potential interactions as density increases, both in planar implementations and in advanced packaging. And the problems only get worse as designs move to 5nm and 3nm, and as more heterogeneous components such as accelerato... » read more

Finding Defects In Chips With Machine Learning

Chipmakers are using more and different traditional tool types than ever to find killer defects in advanced chips, but they are also turning to complementary solutions like advanced forms of machine learning to help solve the problem. A subset of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning has been used in computing and other fields for decades. In fact, early forms of machine learning ha... » read more

Reconfigurable eFPGA For Aerospace Applications

Market research reports indicate about 10% of all dollar revenue of FPGA chips is for use in aerospace applications, and DARPA/DoD reports indicate about one-third of all dollar volume of ICs purchased by U.S. aerospace are FPGAs. FPGAs clearly are very important for aerospace applications because of a combination of short development time and the long mission life of many aerospace applica... » read more

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