Automation And Fault Simulation Of Safety-Critical FPGA Designs

Functional safety is a major challenge for field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and other semiconductor designs. Safety requirements go beyond traditional verification, which focuses on design bugs. Chips in safety-critical applications must be able to handle a variety of faults from sources such as temperature and power extremes, device aging, radiation, ionization and component failures. Ap... » read more

Functional Safety For Fail-Operational Systems

Functional safety issues have long been an important part of product development wherever machine operations that are potentially dangerous for humans are carried out unattended. However, in terms of electrical and electronic systems, the need has been limited to a few industries such as medical technology and aerospace. Apart from that, the functional safety concepts were only used for niche p... » read more

IP Safe Enough To Use In Cars

IP that is used for functional safety needs to respond to events that can happen, whether those are planned or random. Jody Defazio, vice president of IP quality and functional safety at Synopsys, talks with Semiconductor Engineering about ASIL compliance, what the different levels mean, and the impact of using chips developed at the most advanced process nodes in automotive applications. » read more

Learning ISO 26262 – 2nd Edition

You might think that when you get into a debate with a customer or a supplier about the exact interpretation of some aspect of ISO 26262, all you have to do is go to the standard, look it up, and there’s the answer you all need, plain as day. That would be ideal but often doesn’t reflect reality. To realize why, you have to understand the background to the standard. A short ISO 26262 o... » read more

Dependent Failure Analysis For Safety-Critical IP And SoCs

By Shivakumar Chonnad, Radu Iacob, and Vladimir Litovtchenko Due to the increased complexity in safety-critical system hardware, software, and mechatronics, the functional safety development process must address systematic and random hardware failures. Numerous safety-related activities are performed during safety-critical IP and SoC developments, as part of the safety lifecycle, from produc... » read more

Week In Review: Design, Low Power

M&A AMD will acquire Xilinx for $35 billion in an all-stock deal. "Joining together with AMD will help accelerate growth in our data center business and enable us to pursue a broader customer base across more markets,” said Victor Peng, Xilinx president and CEO. The deal is expected to close by the end of 2021. The acquisition of the programmable logic giant will leave only a few purepla... » read more

Secure Silicon Lifecycle Management Architecture For Functional Safety

The rapid growth of electronics for automotive applications fueled by advanced ADAS systems pose new challenges for complex SoC design and Silicon Lifecycle Management (SLM) in the supply chain as well as in-field monitoring and management of the population of chips. In these modern complex devices, ensuring the correct and safe operation requires not only functional safety to check for reli... » read more

Tackling Functional Correctness, Safety, Trust And Security

We’re six months into the pandemic, and it looks like in-person conferences are becoming a distant memory and that virtual conferences are now becoming routine. It used to be that traveling to a conference (sometimes long distances) was the only way to be able to attend technical presentations and learn about the latest technologies and methodologies, and that was only if you received permiss... » read more

Formal Verification Becoming Critical To Auto Security, Safety

Formal verification is poised to take on an increasingly significant role in automotive security, building upon its already widespread use in safety-critical applications. Formal has been essential component of automotive semiconductor verification for some time. Even before the advent of ADAS and semi-autonomous vehicles — and functional safety specifications like ISO 26262 and cybersecur... » read more

Cleared—And Verified—For Takeoff

If you’re like me, you’re probably not in any hurry to get on an airplane amidst our current global pandemic. Commercial air travel has declined dramatically as a result of the novel coronavirus—but beyond private and recreational travel, aviation remains an essential component of many key areas of modern life, including military and defense; commerce and package delivery; medical care; s... » read more

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