Advantages Of Measuring Surface Roughness With White Light Interferometry

The concept of measuring surface roughness originated nearly a century ago as a means to prevent uncertainty and disputes between manufacturers and buyers. Now, it has become a common identifier used throughout industry for validating manufacturing processes, confirming adherence to both internal and regulatory specifications, and guaranteeing quality and performance of end products. Subjective... » read more

Synopsys And Cerebras Systems

The Cerebras Systems Wafer-Scale Engine 2 (WSE-2) is by far the largest silicon product available, with a total silicon area of 46,225mm². It utilizes the maximum square of silicon that can be made out of a 300mm diameter wafer. The square of silicon contains 84 die that are 550mm² each. These die were stitched together using proprietary layers of interconnect, making a continuous compute fab... » read more

Supply Chain Security And Counterfeit Detection Using Universal Chip Telemetry (UCT)

The recent shortage of chip supply and long lead times prompted system makers to turn to second tier suppliers and distributors for fulfilling their semiconductor needs. This in turn has put the spotlight on the growing concern of fraudulent or counterfeited Integrated Circuits (ICs). Proteus deep data analytics based on Universal Chip Telemetry (UCT) provides a new approach to supply chain ... » read more

Cybersecurity Is A Journey

Hardware Is the Foundation of Your Security Posture Due to the inability to ‘patch’ silicon, failure to identify and remediate hardware vulnerabilities early comes with catastrophic consequences. However, most of the focus and investments in cybersecurity have historically been on device software and its administrators, not on securing the underlying hardware. Hardware Vulnerabilitie... » read more

Five Things You Should Know To Avoid The Most Common Security Errors

Since 2001, Riscure has been helping chip vendors and device manufacturers improve the security of their products. Over the years, the security scenario has changed a lot. The attacker profile evolved from individuals motivated by curiosity, with very limited resources and attack potential, to well-funded and organized adversaries with dark motivations and the capacity to execute very sophistic... » read more

Transforming AppSec: The Top Three Ways To Build Security Into DevOps

DevOps has changed the way organizations bring software to market, allowing them to deliver new applications and features rapidly and continuously. But it’s also introduced new security challenges as testing and remediation have failed to keep pace. As a result, cybercriminals have developed new attack strategies that intensify their focus on the application layer, including open source and s... » read more

Matter Security And Privacy Fundamentals

As the Internet of things (IoT) connects more devices and systems, cyberattacks increase. This situation drives concern and hesitation by users and limiting adoption. To address these obstacles, Matter was created with security and privacy as key design tenets. This CSA whitepaper walks through: Security concepts for the smart home Smart home cybersecurity challenges and risks Matter... » read more

Understanding Linear Regulators and their Key Performance Parameters

Low-dropout regulators, commonly known as LDOs, are used extensively in a wide variety of electronic applications across many different industries. An LDO is generally perceived as a simple and inexpensive way to regulate and control an output voltage that is delivered from a higher input voltage supply. However, cost and simplicity are not the only reason for their widespread use. In fact, tod... » read more

Best Practices For Visibility Architecture Tap Planning

When it comes to data monitoring, ensuring proper access to network data is one of the most critical things you can do. Missing and incorrect data will slow down the analysis of problems by your security monitoring and tools. It may also lead to false conclusions by those tools. In turn, this can lead to missed security threats, false positives for security threats and network impairments, and ... » read more

Microstrip Antenna Design

A significant performance element in communication and radar systems, as well as wireless devices, is the antenna, which may be defined as a transducer between a guided electromagnetic (EM) wave propagating along a transmission line, and an EM wave propagating in an unbounded medium (usually free space) or vice-versa.1 The antenna is required to transmit or receive EM energy with directional an... » read more

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