The Shape Of Things To Come

By Ed Sperling The standard method of designing chips—by shrinking features and turning up the clock frequency—is running out of steam for many companies. It’s too difficult, too expensive, and without a commercially viable new lithography source it may become even more unrealistic for most applications. That certainly doesn’t mean Moore’s Law is ending, but it could become more o... » read more

3D NAND Market Heats Up

By Mark LaPedus It’s the tale of two promising and separate 3D chip architectures. One technology is slowly taking root, while the other one is heating up. 3D stacked-die using through-silicon vias (TSVs) is on the slower path. Advanced chip-stacking has several challenges and is still a few years away from mass production. In contrast, 3D NAND is heating up, as Samsung and SK Hynix are a... » read more

Waiting For 3D Metrology

By Mark LaPedus Over the years, suppliers of metrology equipment have managed to meet the requirements for conventional planar chips. But tool vendors now find themselves behind in the emerging 3D chip era, prompting the urgent need for a new class of 3D metrology gear. 3D is a catch-all phrase that includes a range of new architectures, such as finFET transistors, 3D NAND and stacked-die ... » read more

Ready For 3D-IC

This technical presentation describes the challenges and Mentor's solutions for verifying and testing IC designs targeted for 3D packages, such as stacked die using TSVs or multi-die packages using silicon interposers. To download this white paper, click here. » read more

Inside The Package

By Mark LaPedus Semiconductor Manufacturing & Design sat down to discuss IC packaging trends with Rich Rice, senior vice president for North America at Taiwan’s Advanced Semiconductor Engineering (ASE), the world’s largest independent IC packaging and test house. SMD: Amazingly, there are still more than 100 vendors competing in the IC test and assembly business today. But for year... » read more

3 Ways To Differentiate

Time-to-market pressures and complexity have put the squeeze on design teams. They have to bring incredibly complex SoCs to market on time, make sure they’re functionally correct and work within a tight power budget, and they have to come in on or under budget. Amazingly, they’re still able to accomplish this, thanks to some heroic efforts on the part of engineers and some incredible adv... » read more

What’s Before Stacked Die?

By Mark LaPedus Advanced 2.5D/3D chip stacking has a number of challenges and is still a few years away from mass production. In fact, mass production may not occur until 2015 or 2016. But OEMs can ill afford to sit still and wait for 2.5D/3D technology to mature. So, until 2.5D/3D is ready for prime time, chipmakers and IC-packaging houses are under pressure to innovate and extend current ... » read more

Mobile Memory Madness

By Mark LaPedus The insatiable thirst for more bandwidth in smartphones, tablets and other devices has prompted an industry standards body to revamp its mobile memory interface roadmap. As part of the changes, the Joint Electron Devices Engineering Council (JEDEC) has scaled back the initial version of Wide I/O technology and pushed out the introduction date of a true 3D stacked architectur... » read more

Deep Inside Intel

By Ed Sperling Semiconductor Manufacturing & Design sat down with Mark Bohr, senior fellow at Intel, to talk about a wide range of manufacturing and design issues Intel is wrestling with at advanced nodes—and just how far the road map now extends. SMD: Will EUV make 10nm? And if it doesn’t, what effect will that have on Intel? Bohr: For a process module as critical as lithography... » read more

ASMC: TSVs Needed as Scaling Challenges Mount

By David Lammers With the industry facing challenges in the introduction of EUV lithography and high costs for double patterning, TSV introductions have taken on heightened importance, participants said at the SEMI Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference (ASMC), held in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. in mid-May. Risto Puhakka, president of market research firm VLSI Research Inc., said the g... » read more

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