Improving Chip Efficiency, Reliability, And Adaptability

Peter Schneider, director of Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits' Engineering of Adaptive Systems Division, sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about new models and approaches for ensuring the integrity and responsiveness of systems, and how this can be done within a given power budget and at various speeds. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: Where are y... » read more

Peeling The Onion Of An Automotive IC Digital Twin

This paper defines the modern digital twin in the context of the automotive industry and as it applies to the ICs being deployed therein. Additionally, it surveys the implications arising from the need to use digital twins to connect the virtual and physical worlds for semiconductor suppliers delivering the next generation of automotive capabilities. Why should I care about digital twins? T... » read more

Improving Concurrent Chip Design, Manufacturing, And Test Flows

Semiconductor design, manufacturing, and test are becoming much more tightly integrated as the chip industry seeks to optimize designs using fewer engineers, setting the stage for greater efficiencies and potentially lower chip costs without just relying on economies of scale. The glue between these various processes is data, and the chip industry is working to weave together various steps t... » read more

Effective Measurement Is The Key To Meeting Environmental Sustainability Goals In Data Centers

Hyperscale compute, using high-performance connected processors, continually transforms our lives as more and more applications rely on this type of compute, and at the heart of this hyperscale revolution are data centers. It is estimated that an equal amount of power is required for the airflow and cooling systems as for IT equipment. The pressure is on for organizations to create and adopt l... » read more

Improving Reliability In Automobiles

Carmakers are turning to predictive and preventive maintenance to improve the safety and reliability of increasingly electrified vehicles, setting the stage for more internal and external sensors, and more intelligence to interpret and react to the data generated by those sensors. The number of chips inside of vehicles has been steadily rising, regardless of whether they are powered by elect... » read more

How Digital Twins Are Unlocking The Next Era Of Aerospace And Government Applications

By Ian Land, Jason Niatas, and Marc Serughetti Amidst changing economic waters and stringent manufacturing cycles, the aerospace, defense, and government landscape has seen an impressive technological evolution in the last few years. Innovations such as automating mission-critical systems and deploying advanced electronics in deep space exploration are expanding opportunities for government ... » read more

Verification Methodologies Evolve, But Slowly

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss digital twins and what is required to develop and verify new chips across a variety of industries, such as automotive and aerospace, with Larry Lapides, vice president of sales for Imperas Software; Mike Thompson, director of engineering for the verification task group at OpenHW; Paul Graykowski, technical marketing manager for Arteris IP; Shantanu ... » read more

10 Questions: Handel Jones

Handel Jones, CEO of International Business Strategies and author of a new book, "When AI Rules The World," sat down with Semiconductor Engineering to talk about the growth and impact of AI. What follows are excerpts of that conversation. SE: What do you see as the impact of AI on semiconductors? Jones: The fact that you have a 5G smart phone is because of AI. Steve Jobs changed the smart... » read more

Artificial Intelligence 101: It’s Math, Not Magic

The term artificial intelligence (AI) can be somewhat misleading. While the medium of intelligence is designed (and, in that sense, artificial or human-made), the intelligence itself is based on very real data. However, most people hear “AI” and think of futuristic robots or scenes from science fiction movies, not recognizing that the origin of AI is not fictional or magical — it’s math... » read more

How Climate Change Affects Data Centers

Data centers are hot, and they may get even hotter. As climate change impacts temperatures around the world, designers are changing the computing hubs that are tied to nearly every aspect of modern life to make them more efficient, more customized, and potentially more disaggregated. These shifts are taking on new urgency as the tech industry grapples with months of sweltering temperatures o... » read more

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