Moore’s Law Now Requires Advanced Packaging

Semiconductor Engineering sat down to discuss advanced packaging with Calvin Cheung, vice president of engineering at ASE; Walter Ng, vice president of business management at UMC; Ajay Lalwani, vice president of global manufacturing operations at eSilicon; Vic Kulkarni, vice president and chief strategist in the office of the CTO at ANSYS; and Tien Shiah, senior manager for memory at Samsung. W... » read more

A Comprehensive Approach To System-Level ESD

The performance and reliability of an electronics system largely depend on the system’s immunity from an electrostatic discharge (ESD) event. Because the components, custom chips and package come from various sources — and often from different companies — they are usually designed by separate teams working in silos and in accordance with predefined margins. The ESD Association estimates t... » read more

How Robust Is Your ESD Protection? Are You Sure?

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection is critical at advanced nodes to safeguard designs against effects intensified by shrinking transistor dimensions and oxide layer thicknesses. On the other hand, ESD protection checks are consuming vastly more runtime and memory due to the growing die sizes of system-on-chips (SoCs) and the number of transistors they can hold. Designers are facing increa... » read more

How Reliable Are FinFETs?

Stringent safety requirements in the automotive and industrial sectors are forcing chipmakers to re-examine a number of factors that can impact reliability over the lifespan of a device. Many of these concerns are not new. Electrical overstress (EOS), electrostatic discharge (ESD) and [getkc id="160" kc_name="electromigration"] (EM) are well understood, and have been addressed by EDA tools f... » read more

Transient Power Problems Rising

Transient power is becoming much more problematic at 10/7nm, adding yet another level of complexity for design teams already wrestling with power issues caused by leakage, a variety of power management techniques to control dynamic power, and leakage current. At each new node there is less headroom for engineering teams to address these problems, and more likelihood that what they do in one ... » read more

Assessing ESD Sensitivity Of Interface IP Using Charged Device Model

An electronic device is susceptible to Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) damage during its entire life cycle, especially from the completion of the silicon wafer processing to when the device is assembled in the system. The most commonly used ESD test models are the Human Body Model (HBM) and the Charged Device Model (CDM). Both models assess the ESD sensitivity of a device, however due to the rapi... » read more

7nm Design Success Starts With Multi-Domain Multi-Physics Analysis

Companies can benefit from advancements in the latest semiconductor process technology by delivering smaller, faster and lower power products, especially for those servicing mobile, high performance computing and automotive ADAS applications. By using 7nm processes, design teams are able to add a lot more functionality onto a single chip and lower the power consumption by scaling operating volt... » read more

Why Do You Need Chip-Package-System Co-Design And Co-Analysis?

Whether it is the need for sustainable energy, or driving performance while keeping power at bay, or enabling safe and reliable operation of any electronic system, containment of electronic noise — power and signal noise is critical to all of the above. Other factors that impact safe and reliable operation are electromigration (EM), electromagnetic interference (EMI) and mechanical stress ena... » read more

Rethinking Memory

Getting data in and out of memory is as important as the speed and efficiency of a processor, but for years design teams managed to skirt the issue because it was quicker, easier and less expensive to boost processor clock frequencies with a brute-force approach. That worked well enough prior to 90nm, and adding more cores at lower clock speeds filled the gap starting at 65nm. After that, th... » read more

System-Aware Full-Chip Power Integrity And Reliability

At the core of every electronics system is a chip that has to meet multiple conflicting requirements such as increased functionality, best power efficiency, highest reliability, lowest design cost and short design schedule. Meeting these requirements poses a major challenge, especially for systems on chip (SoCs) that are designed using advanced processes. Ensuring that the SoCs meet power an... » read more

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