Backpropagation Algorithm On Neuromorphic Spiking HW (U. Of Zurich, ETH Zurich, LANL)

A new technical paper titled "The backpropagation algorithm implemented on spiking neuromorphic hardware" was published by University of Zurich, ETH Zurich, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Royal Institution, London, et al. "This study presents a neuromorphic, spiking backpropagation algorithm based on synfire-gated dynamical information coordination and processing implemented on Intel’s Lo... » read more

Roadmap To Neuromorphic Computing (Collaboration of 27 Universities/Companies)

A technical paper titled “Roadmap to Neuromorphic Computing with Emerging Technologies” was published by researchers at University College London, Politecnico di Milano, Purdue University, ETH Zurich and numerous other institutions. Summary: "The roadmap is organized into several thematic sections, outlining current computing challenges, discussing the neuromorphic computing approach, ana... » read more

Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: October 3

New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library: [table id=150 /] Related Reading Technical Paper Library home » read more

Improving ML-Based Device Modeling Using Variational Autoencoder Techniques

A technical paper titled “Improving Semiconductor Device Modeling for Electronic Design Automation by Machine Learning Techniques” was published by researchers at Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Peking University, National University of Singapore, and University of New South Wales. Abstract: "The semiconductors industry benefits greatly from the integ... » read more

Ferroelectric Memories Answer Call For Non-Volatile Alternatives

As system designers seek to manipulate larger data sets while reducing power consumption, ferroelectric memory may be part of the solution. It offers an intermediate step between the speed of DRAM and the stability of flash memory. Changing the polarization of ferroelectric domains is extremely fast, and the polarization remains stable without power for years, if not decades. FeFETs, one of ... » read more

Technical Paper Roundup: Sept 5

New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library this week. [table id=132 /] (more…) » read more

Contacting Individual On-Surface Synthesized Graphene Nanoribbons In A Multigate Transistor Geometry 

A technical paper titled “Contacting individual graphene nanoribbons using carbon nanotube electrodes” was published by researchers at Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, Peking University, University of Warwick, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (China), Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, University of Bern, University of Basel, and ETH Zur... » read more

Research Bits: April 18

Simplified microwave photonic filter for 6G Researchers from Peking University developed a new chip-sized microwave photonic filter to separate communication signals from noise and suppress unwanted interference across the full radio frequency spectrum. “This new microwave filter chip has the potential to improve wireless communication, such as 6G, leading to faster internet connections, ... » read more

Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: Apr. 18

New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library: [table id=93 /]   If you have research papers you are trying to promote, we will review them to see if they are a good fit for our global audience. At a minimum, papers need to be well researched and documented, relevant to the semiconductor ecosystem, and free of marketing bias. There is no cost involv... » read more

Design Considerations and Recent Advancements in Chiplets (UC Berkeley/ Peking University)

A new technical paper titled "Automated Design of Chiplets" was published by researchers at UC Berkeley and Peking University. Abstract: "Chiplet-based designs have gained recognition as a promising alternative to monolithic SoCs due to their lower manufacturing costs, improved re-usability, and optimized technology specialization. Despite progress made in various related domains, the des... » read more

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