Technical Paper Round-Up: July 18

New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library this week. [table id=33 /] Semiconductor Engineering is in the process of building this library of research papers. Please send suggestions (via comments section below) for what else you’d like us to incorporate. If you have research papers you are trying to promote, we will review them to see if they are a good fit fo... » read more

Fast and Flexible FPGA-based NoC Hybrid Emulation

Researchers from RWTH Aachen University and Otto-von-Guericke Universitat Magdeburg have published a new technical paper titled "EmuNoC: Hybrid Emulation for Fast and Flexible Network-on-Chip Prototyping on FPGAs." Abstract: "Networks-on-Chips (NoCs) recently became widely used, from multi-core CPUs to edge-AI accelerators. Emulation on FPGAs promises to accelerate their RTL modeling co... » read more

Technical Paper Round-Up: June 8

  New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library this week. [table id=32 /] Semiconductor Engineering is in the process of building this library of research papers. Please send suggestions (via comments section below) for what else you’d like us to incorporate. If you have research papers you are trying to promote, we will review them to see if they are a ... » read more

Fermi-level Tuning Improves Device Stability of 2D Transistors With Amorphous Gate Oxides

New technical paper titled "Improving stability in two-dimensional transistors with amorphous gate oxides by Fermi-level tuning" from researchers at Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, AMO GmbH, University of Wuppertal, and RWTH Aachen University. Abstract "Electronic devices based on two-dimensional semiconductors suffer from limited electrical stability because charge carriers origin... » read more

Novel Analog Key Generation Approach As An Alternative to Conventional Binary Keys (pHGen)

New research paper titled "pHGen: A pH-Based Key Generation Mechanism Using ISFETs" from RWTH Aachen University. Abstract "Digital keys are a fundamental component of many hardware- and software-based security mechanisms. However, digital keys are limited to binary values and easily exploitable when stored in standard memories. In this paper, based on emerging technologies, we introduce... » read more

Technical Paper Round-Up: March 22

New memories, materials, and transistor types, and processes for making those devices, highlighted the past week's technical papers. That includes everything from vertical MoS2 to programmable black phosphorus image sensors and photonic lift-off processes for flexible thin-film materials. Papers continue to flow from all parts of the supply chain, with some new studies out of Pakistan, Seoul... » read more

2D materials for future heterogeneous electronics

Abstract "Graphene and two-dimensional materials (2DM) remain an active field of research in science and engineering over 15 years after the first reports of 2DM. The vast amount of available data and the high performance of device demonstrators leave little doubt about the potential of 2DM for applications in electronics, photonics and sensing. So where are the integrated chips and enabled ... » read more

Technical Paper Round-Up: March 15

Research is expanding across a variety of semiconductor-related topics, from security to flexible substrates and chiplets. Unlike in the past, when work was confined to some of the largest universities, that research work is now being spread across a much broader spectrum of schools on a global basic, including joint research involving schools whose names rarely appeared together. Among the ... » read more

Zero-Bias Power-Detector Circuits based on MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors on Wafer-Scale Flexible Substrates

Abstract: "We demonstrate the design, fabrication, and characterization of wafer-scale, zero-bias power detectors based on two-dimensional MoS2 field effect transistors (FETs). The MoS2 FETs are fabricated using a wafer-scale process on 8 μm thick polyimide film, which in principle serves as flexible substrate. The performances of two CVD-MoS2 sheets, grown with different processes and showi... » read more

Manufacturing Bits: Sept. 28

Self-healing ceramics Texas A&M University has discovered a new self-healing mechanism for ceramics, a technology that could one day be used for jet engines, hypersonic aircraft and nuclear reactors. Ceramics involve various materials that are neither metallic nor organic, but rather they are crystalline and/or glassy, according to the University of Maryland. One common example is clay,... » read more

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