RISC-V High Performance Multicore and GPU SoC Platform For Safety Critical System

A new technical paper titled "A RISC-V Multicore and GPU SoC Platform with a Qualifiable Software Stack for Safety Critical Systems" published by researchers at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Abstract "In the context of the Horizon Europe project, METASAT, a hardware platform was developed as a prototype of future space systems. The platform is bas... » read more

Optimizing Interconnect Topologies For Automotive ADAS Applications

Designing automotive Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) applications can be incredibly complex. State-of-the-art ADAS and autonomous driving systems use ‘sensor fusion’ to combine inputs from multiple sources, typically cameras and optionally radar and lidar units to go beyond passive and active safety to automate driving. Vision processing systems combine specialized AI accelerators... » read more

The Uncertainty Of Certifying AI For Automotive

Nearly every new vehicle sold uses AI to make some decisions, but so far there is no consistency in what is being developed, where it is being used, and whether it is compatible with other vehicles on the road. This fragmentation is partially due to the fact that AI is still a nascent technology, and cars and trucks sold today may be significantly different than those that will be sold sever... » read more

In-Memory Computing: Techniques for Error Detection and Correction

A new technical paper titled "Error Detection and Correction Codes for Safe In-Memory Computations" was published by researchers at Robert Bosch, Forschungszentrum Julich, and Newcastle University. Abstract "In-Memory Computing (IMC) introduces a new paradigm of computation that offers high efficiency in terms of latency and power consumption for AI accelerators. However, the non-idealities... » read more

FMEDA-Driven SoC Design Of Safety-Critical Semiconductors

As state-of-the-art electronics propel the automotive, industrial, and aerospace industry into a future of more connectivity and autonomy, the development of safety-compliant semiconductors is critical. The Cadence FMEDA-driven Safety Solution consists of products enhanced for advanced safety analysis, safety verification, and safety-aware implementation for digital driving analog and dig... » read more

Damage Detection For Reliable Microelectronics

Over the past few years, the reliability and safety of electronic systems have become increasingly more important. Ongoing digitalization has made these systems an integral part of many items of daily use. This means that failures are becoming more and more critical as they can cause considerable disruption – even when they occur in consumer electronics. Today, electronics are also indispensa... » read more

Robust Latch Hardened Against QNUs for Safety-Critical Applications in 22nm CMOS Technology

A technical paper titled "Cost-Optimized and Robust Latch Hardened against Quadruple Node Upsets for Nanoscale CMOS" was just published by researchers at Anhui University, Hefei University of Technology, Anhui Polytechnic University, Kyushu Institute of Technology, and the University of Montpellier/CNRS. Abstract: "With the aggressive reduction of CMOS transistor feature sizes, the soft ... » read more

Understanding Automotive Reliability And ISO 26262 for Safety-Critical Systems

Automotive electronics are playing a rapidly expanding role in automotive platforms tied to safety systems. Not content with the more traditional electronic systems such as airbag controllers, anti-lock braking systems, engine control units, and the like, integrated circuit (IC) manufacturers have been expanding into advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and other automotive electroni... » read more

Analysis And Development of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems

Today’s automobiles and airplanes feature more electronic components than ever. Hundreds of connected systems enable safety-critical functions like braking, acceleration, steering, navigation and communication. Ansys has the only comprehensive simulation solution for designing safe, reliable systems — including hardware, electronics and embedded software — for human-controlled and autonom... » read more

Verifying Safety-Critical FPGA Designs With Fault Simulation

Supporting safety and assurance in designs, such as the chips used in industrial, aerospace and defense applications, requires more than traditional functional verification. Even if every bug is found and fixed before release, these applications have additional requirements for functional safety. They must be able to handle a variety of faults and induced errors, either by correcting them or by... » read more

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