Chip Industry Technical Paper Roundup: Sept. 3

GPU energy efficiency; logic locking; HLS LLMs; thin films reflectometry and TEM; silicon quantum dot errors; DL compiler for AI chips; low leakage IGZO for neuromorphic; HW CEE for virtual memory; GPU to GPU communications.


New technical papers recently added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library:

Technical Paper Research Organizations
Virgo: Cluster-level Matrix Unit Integration in GPUs for Scalability and Energy Efficiency UC Berkeley
Exploring GPU-to-GPU Communication: Insights into Supercomputer Interconnects Sapienza University of Rome, University of Trento, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, ETH Zurich, CINECA, University of Antwerp, IBM Research Europe, HPE Cray, and NVIDIA
A Hardware-Based Correct Execution Environment Supporting Virtual Memory Korea University, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology et al.
A tunable multi-timescale Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide thin-film transistor neuron towards hybrid solutions for
spiking neuromorphic applications
imec, CSIC Universidad de Sevilla, and Sungkyunkwan University
Late Breaking Results: On the One-Key Premise of Logic Locking Synopsys
Scaling Deep Learning Computation over the Inter-Core Connected Intelligence Processor UIUC and Microsoft Research
Assessment of the errors of high-fidelity two-qubit gates in silicon quantum dots UNSW, Diraq, Sandia National Laboratories, Keio University, Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung and others
Are LLMs Any Good for High-Level Synthesis? University of Arizona
Interface sharpness in stacked thin film structures: a comparison of soft X-ray reflectometry and transmission electron microscopy Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), imec, and Thermo Fisher Scientific

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