The Road Ahead For 2014: Tools

In the third and final part of this predictions series we see the natural conclusion of market shifts that are driving changes in semiconductors, and which in turn drive the tools and IP needed to create those systems. To be expected, the changes fall into a few areas: New tools, techniques and changes required for smaller geometries; A migration to higher-levels of abstraction and the... » read more

Fixing DP Errors: Colors Or Rings

By Ann Steffora Mutschler With the move to the 20nm manufacturing node, double patterning (DP) became a requirement. In addition, topology changes occurred that demanded very regular structures, marking a significant departure from 28nm design. As a result of this new approach, new errors are popping up, such as DP violation loops, odd cycle violations and anchor path violations. Certain... » read more

Verifying Your Intent

Design rule checking (DRC), layout versus schematic (LVS) and electrical rule checking (ERC) are physical verification techniques that are mandatory today to check a design and its structures before manufacturing. Checking electrical characteristics of a design is one thing. Verifying power intent is quite another. And the overlap of the two is an intriguing concept. Case in point: Checking fo... » read more

Reducing IC Cycle Time With Calibre

Technology is both a blessing and a curse. The same shrinking of transistor size that has enabled chip designers to place significantly more functionality on the same die area is also responsible for the significant increases we have seen in the number and complexity of verification rules. It would be nice if we could use this phenomenon to our advantage, as an excuse for why our job of physica... » read more

Challenges Of Physical Design Closure

By Jean-Marie Brunet A clear trend in IC design is that with each smaller process node, reaching design closure gets more difficult, expensive, and time consuming. Printing ever-smaller features with 193nm wavelength light has introduced unprecedented levels of manufacturing challenges, which are addressed with a growing set of complex design rules (DRC) and design for manufacturing (DFM) cons... » read more

Experts At The Table: Challenges At 20nm

By Ed Sperling Low-Power/High-Performance Engineering sat down to discuss the challenges at 20nm and beyond with Jean-Pierre Geronimi, special projects director at STMicroelectronics; Pete McCrorie, director of product marketing for silicon realization at Cadence; Carey Robertson, director of product marketing at Mentor Graphics; and Isadore Katz, president and CEO of CLK Design Automation. Wh... » read more

Fill Challenge Solved: Why SmartFill is as Good as it Sounds

by Jean-Marie Brunet Among the many steps involved with chip design, there is one known by the deceptively simple name of “fill.” Fill involves adding shapes or polygons to the design that are structural, not logical. That is, they ensure manufacturability by making sure each layer (metal, poly, diffusion) has a proscribed density. As easy as this sounds, fill can be tricky, and the fill... » read more

DFM is a Competitive Weapon

By Joe Davis, Mentor Graphics As my mom always told me, you always have a choice. The trick was, you had to be willing to accept the consequences of your decision. Don’t want to clean your room? Okay, but you can’t go out to play until you do. Easy enough to do the analysis on that one when you’re ten years old. But sometimes, understanding the consequences gets a little tougher, an... » read more

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