Blog Review: Aug. 26

Updates from IDF on 3D XPoint; design size and respins; preventing overdesigned power grids; a new type of glass; Hyperloop gets more backing; memory server chipsets & DDR4; wearables & mobile payments.


Synopsys’ Marc Greenberg attended IDF and learned more about the newly announced Intel/Micron 3D XPoint memory technology named Optane including initial ship dates and some implementation details.

In concluding his analysis of the 2014 Functional Verification Study, Mentor’s Harry Foster reveals an unexpected finding about design size and respins.

How do you keep your power grid from being overdesigned? University of Toronto Professor Farid N. Najm has some ideas, in a talk presented by Cadence’s Christine Young.

A new type of glass gets organized by accident in this week’s top five articles, picked by Ansys’ Bill Vandermark. Plus, a 360 degree camera (with a form factor a bit more elegant than taping two cameras with fisheye lenses together), which may be useful for taking pictures from one of the new transportation options on the horizon.

ARM’s Brian Fuller has some ideas about new modes of travel as well, including more updates on the Hyperloop and Boeing’s patent on a drone that can convert into a submarine.

Rambus’ Aharon Etengoff provides a summary of a recent white paper describing the critical role memory server chipsets play in facilitating high-speed DDR4 designs by Bob O’Donnel of TECHnalysis Research.

NXP’s Brintha Koether takes a look at what’s new in wearables enabling mobile payment systems.

If you missed last week’s Manufacturing, Design & Test newsletter, catch up with the featured blogs:

Editor in Chief Ed Sperling argues that consolidation across the semiconductor industry could have a big impact on future choices.

Executive Editor Mark LaPedus finds good news and bad news for buyers of rare earths.

Mentor Graphics’ David Abercrombie digs into odd-cycle errors and how to deal with them.

Applied Materials’ Connie Duncan looks at how to extend the TiN metal hard mask to future process nodes.

SEMI’s Allen Lu details why China’s investments will have a significant impact on the entire semiconductor ecosystem.

Semico guest blogger Tarun Amla observes hardware is the foundation for all electronic products and continued innovation will be essential.

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