Technical Paper Round-Up: April 5

Recent technical papers include neuromorphic chips, transistor defect detection, pellicles, BEV mobile charging, copper wire bonding, LrWPAN, batteries and superconductivity.


Neuromorphic chips, transistor defect detection, quantum, pellicles, BEV mobile charging, copper wire bonding, LrWPAN, batteries and superconductivity top the past week’s technical papers. They also point to a rising level of government investment, and collaborations between schools that historically haven’t worked closely together, including one that involves schools on different continents.

New studies from NIST, Lawrence Livermore National Lab, USC’s Viterbi School of Engineering, NAIST, QuTech, Delft University of Technology, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, University of Florida, University of Mons, Leeds Beckett University and more.

Find all technical papers in Semiconductor Engineering’s library.

Technical Paper Research Organizations
Neuromorphic Chip Integrated With A Large-Scale Integration Circuit And Amorphous-Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Thin-Film Synapse Devices NAIST & Ryukoku University
NIST Modifies & Improves Technique For Detecting Transistor Defects NIST
Analytical Energy Model Parametrized By Workload, Clock Frequency And Number Of Active Cores For Share-Memory High-Performance Computing Applications University of Mons (Belgium) and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil)
Investigation Of The Resistivity And Emissivity Of A Pellicle Membrane For EUV Lithography Hanyang University, University of Texas (Dallas)
Addressing The Range Anxiety Of Battery Electric Vehicles With Charging En Route University of Florida
Investigation Of Integrated Factors In The Occurrence Of Copper Wire Bonding Corrosion Of Semiconductor Packages Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Nexperia
Brokerage System For Integration Of LrWPAN Technologies UK’s Leeds Beckett University
Exploring Far-From-Equilibrium Ultrafast Polarization Control In Ferroelectric Oxides With Excited-State Neural Network Quantum Molecular Dynamics USC Viterbi School of Engineering
A Novel Technique For Random Number Generation Using CMOS Image Sensor Thamirabharani Engineering College, India
Microstructural Impacts On Ionic Conductivity Of Oxide Solid Electrolytes From A Combined Atomistic-Mesoscale Approach (Batteries) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists in collaboration with San Francisco State University and the The Pennsylvania State University.
Quantitative Study Of Quantum Phase Transitions Key To High-Temp Superconductivity Led by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab & UC Berkeley, Los Alamos
Quantum Logic With Spin Qubits Crossing The Surface Code Threshold QuTech, Delft University of Technology

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