Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: Jan 3
Area-efficient RISC-V decoupled vector coprocessor for HPC; rowhammer mitigation; HW accelerator; epitaxial graphene platform; power electronics; MTJ for stochastic computing; clock gating; paper-thin solar cells added to any surface; data transmission using inverse-designed silicon photonics.
New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library this week.
Technical Paper |
Research Organizations |
Vitruvius+: An Area-Efficient RISC-V Decoupled Vector Coprocessor for High Performance Computing Applications |
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain |
REGA: Scalable Rowhammer Mitigation with Refresh-Generating Activations |
Computer Security Group (COMSEC), ETH Zurich and Zentel Japan |
CraterLake: A Hardware Accelerator for Efficient Unbounded Computation on Encrypted Data |
MIT, IBM TJ Watson, SRI International, and University of Michigan |
An epitaxial graphene platform for zero-energy edge state nanoelectronics |
Georgia Tech, Tianjin University, CNRS, Synchrotron SOLEIL, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory and others |
Perspectives on MOVPE-grown (100) β-Ga2O3 thin films and its Al-alloy for power electronics application |
Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ), Germany |
Review of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions for Stochastic Computing |
University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Funding agencies include Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), CAPSL, NIST, DARPA and others |
A Novel Clock Gating Approach for the Design of Low-Power Linear Feedback Shift Registers |
Università degli Studi di Catania, Italy |
Printed Organic Photovoltaic Modules on Transferable Ultra-thin Substrates as Additive Power Sources |
Multi-dimensional data transmission using inverse-designed silicon photonics and microcombs |
Stanford, Harvard, University of Central Florida, NIST, and others |
If you have research papers you are trying to promote, we will review them to see if they are a good fit for our global audience. At a minimum, papers need to be well researched and documented, relevant to the semiconductor ecosystem, and free of marketing bias. There is no cost involved for us posting links to papers. Please send suggestions (via comments section below) for what else you’d like us to incorporate.
More Reading
Technical Paper Library home
Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: Dec. 20
Heterogeneous ultra-low-power Linux capable RISC-V SoC; fuzzing HW; layout automation; parallelization of 5G PUSCH on RISC-V; repurposed Josephson Junctions; chirality logic gates; SRAM security risk; fast-lock digital clock generator for chiplets; suppressing vibrations on graphene devices; RL for design space exploration.
Linda Christensen
(all posts)
Linda Christensen is vice president of operations and a contributing writer at Semiconductor Engineering.
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