Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: Oct 25

Core & cache hierarchy for M3D; In-DRAM PIM; RF transceivers piracy; semiconductor defects; nonvolatile electrochemical RAM under short circuit; electrotactile system; optical interconnects; graphene transfers


New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library this week.

Technical Paper Research Organizations
RevaMp3D: Architecting the Processor Core and Cache Hierarchy for Systems with Monolithically-Integrated Logic and Memory ETH Zürich, KMUTNB, NTUA, and University of Toronto
Achieving the Performance of All-Bank In-DRAM PIM With Standard Memory Interface: Memory-Computation Decoupling Korea University
Nonvolatile Electrochemical Random-Access Memory Under Short Circuit University of Michigan and Sandia National Laboratories
Anti-Piracy Design of RF Transceivers Sorbonne Universite (France)
Polycrystalline silicon PhC cavities for CMOS on-chip integration Tyndall National Institute, Munster Technological University, and Université Grenoble Alpes, CEA, LETI
Assessment of wafer-level transfer techniques of graphene with respect to semiconductor industry requirements RWTH Aachen University, AMO GmbH, Infineon Technologies, Protemics GmbH, and Advantest Europe
Simulating groundstate and dynamical quantum phase transitions on a superconducting quantum computer London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London, University of Massachusetts, and Google Quantum AI
Super-resolution wearable electrotactile rendering system City University of Hong Kong & Tencent Technology’s Robotics X Laboratory
Exploring Active Learning for Semiconductor Defect Segmentation Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore

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