Why Does “Matter” Matter?

There is a good chance that you have come across "Matter" in recent news related to IoT and smart home. Matter was everywhere at CES 2022, and smart home ecosystems all talk about Matter when launching new devices. Matter helps IoT devices like your coffee maker and smart speaker talk to each other easily so that you as the end user don’t need to read complex user manuals or become an IoT con... » read more

Smart Glasses, Augmented Reality, And Time-of-Flight Imaging

By Edmund Neo and Rolf Weber Augmented reality (AR) is frequently discussed for providing new, exciting, vision-related products for consumer and industrial applications. One popular AR implementation uses AR glasses. While the global market for smart augmented reality glasses was only 255,600 units in 2020, market researchers predict robust growth and a volume of 8.8 million units by 2026 [... » read more

The Battle For Post-Quantum Security Will Be Won By Agility

By Thomas Poeppelmann and Martin Schlaeffer Due to their special features, quantum computers have the disruptive potential to replace existing conventional computers in many applications. They could, for example, calculate simulations of complex molecules for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, perform complicated optimizations for the automotive and aviation industry, or create new fi... » read more

Implementing Improved Security And Connectivity For The Smart Home

The smart home continues to evolve in available functions and complexity as several different connectivity protocols from numerous suppliers target a variety of products for use in smart homes. However, many consumers (71% according to incontrol) acknowledge fear of their personal information being stolen while using smart home products. At the same time, ease of use for user-installed products... » read more

No Safety Without Dependable Security In Automotive Designs

The cyber threat faced by the automotive industry reached public awareness in 2015, when a “White Hat” research team commandeered the control electronics of a target vehicle at freeway speeds. Subsequently published details of the team’s work identified several discrete weak links that were leveraged by the researchers to create the attack. The approach illustrated a concept well-known to... » read more

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