Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: Dec. 13

2D materials special issue; measuring direct bonding at wafer scale; information flow for HW; hafnium oxide-based FeFETs for in-memory; fully rubbery Schottky diodes and ICs; layered HW security for cloud and edge; neural architecture and HW accelerator co-design framework.


New technical papers added to Semiconductor Engineering’s library this week.

Technical Paper Research Organizations
Electronic Circuits made of 2D Materials KAUST & TSMC
Double cantilever beam bonding energy measurement using confocal IR microscopy Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA-LETI and SOITEC
Quantitative Information Flow for Hardware: Advancing the Attack Landscape RWTH Aachen University
Synergistic Approach of Interfacial Layer Engineering and READ-Voltage Optimization in HfO2-Based FeFETs for In-Memory-Computing Applications Fraunhofer IPMS, GlobalFoundries, and TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Fully rubbery Schottky diode and integrated devices Penn State University
Hardware-Enabled Security: Enabling a Layered Approach to Platform Security for Cloud and Edge Computing Use Cases NIST, Intel, AMD, Arm, IBM, Cisco and Scarfone Cybersecurity
CODEBench: A Neural Architecture and Hardware Accelerator Co-Design Framework Princeton University and Stanford University

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Related Reading
Technical Paper Library home
Chip Industry’s Technical Paper Roundup: Dec. 5
Optimized chiplet arrangement; verification; FeFET crossbar array; circuit activity fingerprinting; HW trojan threats to chiplets; compiler augmentation; new HW accelerator; connecting quantum with sound; electronic/photonic chip sandwich; Sparseloop in HW accelerator design flows.

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