Security Technical Paper Roundup: Aug. 27

New security technical papers presented at the August 2024 USENIX Security Symposium.


A number of hardware security-related technical papers were presented at the August 2024 USENIX Security Symposium. The organization provides open access research, and the presentation slides and papers are free to the public. Topics include side-channel attacks and defenses, embedded security, fuzzing, fault injection, logic locking, Rowhammer, and more. Here are some highlights with associated links:

Technical Paper Research Organizations
HYPERPILL: Fuzzing for Hypervisor-bugs by Leveraging the Hardware Virtualization Interface EPFL, Boston U., Amazon, EPFL, Zhejiang U.

[Distinguished Paper Award Winner]

Yes, One-Bit-Flip Matters! Universal DNN Model Inference Depletion with Runtime Code Fault Injection Peng Cheng Laboratory, Shanghai Jiao Tong U., CSIRO’s Data61, U. of Western Australia, U. of Waterloo

[Distinguished Paper Award Winner]

InSpectre Gadget: Inspecting the Residual Attack Surface of Cross-privilege Spectre v2 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

[Distinguished Paper Award Winner]

GoFetch: Breaking Constant-Time Cryptographic Implementations Using Data Memory-Dependent Prefetchers U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, U. of Texas at Austin, Georgia Tech, UC Berkeley, U. of Washington, Carnegie Mellon U.
ABACuS: All-Bank Activation Counters for Scalable and Low Overhead RowHammer Mitigation ETH Zurich
INSIGHT: Attacking Industry-Adopted Learning Resilient Logic Locking Techniques Using Explainable Graph Neural Network New York U., New York U. Abu Dhabi, U. of Delaware

Eye of Sauron: Long-Range Hidden Spy Camera Detection and Positioning with Inbuilt Memory EM Radiation Hunan U., UC San Diego, Michigan State U.
BeeBox: Hardening BPF against Transient Execution Attacks Brown University
Bending microarchitectural weird machines towards practicality Carnegie Mellon University
CacheWarp: Software-based Fault Injection using Selective State Reset CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Graz U. of Technology
Forget and Rewire: Enhancing the Resilience of Transformer-based Models against Bit-Flip Attacks UC Davis, California State U. Long Beach, George Mason U.
SledgeHammer: Amplifying Rowhammer via Bank-level Parallelism U. of Michigan, Georgia Tech, UNC Chapel Hill, Ruhr U. Bochum

Go Go Gadget Hammer: Flipping Nested Pointers for Arbitrary Data Leakage U. of Michigan, UNC Chapel Hill, Georgia Tech

A complete listing of all papers presented at this USENIX conference can be found here. Other topics covered include cryptography, authentication, network security, machine learning, LLMs, differential privacy, deep fakes and fraud, malware, forensics, AR/VR, cloud, block chain, zero-knowledge proof, wireless and signal security, autonomous and automatic systems, IoT and CPS, and more.

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