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UL 4600 – Standard for Safety for the Evaluation of Autonomous Products

Standard for safety analysis and evaluation of autonomous vehicles.


Not yet confirmed as a standard, UL 4600 – Standard for Safety for the Evaluation of Autonomous Products tries to address safety differently than other automotive safety standards such as ISO 26262 and ISP/PSA 21448.

Developed by Underwriters Laboratories, UL 4600 will be a self-contained set of tools and techniques for the safety analysis and evaluation of autonomous products, especially where the requirements of driverless autonomy require changes to established safety measures that assume the presence of a driver or safety driver.

UL 4600 will address risk analysis, safety-relevant aspects of design and process, testing and tool qualification, validation of autonomic performance, data integrity, interaction with non-drivers, performance and security metrics and conformance to expected safety guidelines. It is designed to create evaluations independent of other standards, which it will recognize, but not require as part of its own validation process.

The critical point to the effort is to make sure there is an accepted, comprehensive format to define safety cases that allow AV developers outline and offer evidence to back up the degree of safety they claim for their products.

More information can be found from Edge Case Research, which is contributing to the development.


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